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Ich habe aus irgendeinem thread noch einen Parser, das hier ist jetzt das gesamte Programm:
Ich wäre euch für Hilfe sehr dankbar
unit miniprog_u;
interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, info_u, LMDControl, LMDBaseControl, LMDBaseGraphicControl, LMDBaseLabel, LMDCustomLabel, LMDCustomLabelFill, LMDLabelFill, SynEdit, SynMemo, XPMan, ComCtrls, LMDCustomControl, LMDCustomPanel, LMDCustomBevelPanel, LMDCustomParentPanel, LMDBackPanel, ExtCtrls, Types; type TForm1 = class(TForm) OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog; SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog; Memo2: TMemo; errormemo: TSynMemo; XPManifest1: TXPManifest; FindDialog1: TFindDialog; Memo1: TRichEdit; Panel1: TPanel; infoButton: TButton; oeffnenButton: TButton; speichernButton: TButton; parseButton: TButton; Button1: TButton; endeButton: TButton; ColorBox1: TColorBox; function FindTextAll(re: TRichEdit; sText: string; options: TSearchTypes): TIntegerDynArray; procedure parseButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure endeButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure infoButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure oeffnenButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure CodingChange(Sender: TObject); procedure speichernButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Memo1Change(Sender: TObject); private { Private-Deklarationen } dateiname: string; searchStart: integer; geaendert: boolean; public { Public-Deklarationen } end; var Form1: TForm1; Document: TCustomRichEdit; ida: TIntegerDynArray; i: integer; sText: string; implementation uses options; {$R *.DFM} CONST signs: SET OF CHAR = ['+', '-']; ziffern: SET OF CHAR = ['0' .. '9']; procedure parse (s: string); var sym: string; c: char; c_pos: integer; abbruch: boolean; function next: char; begin inc (c_pos); if c_pos > length (s) then next := #0 else next := s [c_pos] end; { next } { function nextsym: string; begin result := ''; while (c=' ') or (c=#10) or (c=#13) do c:=next; if c in [';', ',', '.', '(', ')', '+'] then result := c else if c=':' then begin result := c; c := next; if c='=' then begin result := result+c; c := next; end; end else if c in ziffern then begin result := c; c := next; while c in ziffern do begin result := result + c; c := next end; end else begin while c In ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z'] Do Begin result := result + upcase(c); c:=next; end; end; form1.memo2.lines.add(result); end; { nextsym } function nextSym: string; var symbol: string; begin while (c = ' ') or (c = #10) or (c = #13) do c := next; if c in ['.', ';', ',', '(', ')', '+'] then begin symbol := c; c := next end else if c = ':' then begin symbol := c; c := next; if c = '=' then begin symbol := ':='; c := next end end else if c in ziffern then begin symbol := c; c := next; while c in ziffern do begin symbol := symbol + c; c := next end end else if upcase (c) in ['A'..'Z'] then begin symbol := c; c := next; while upcase (c) in ['A'..'Z'] do begin symbol := symbol + c; c := next end end; symbol := uppercase (symbol); form1.Memo2.Lines.Add (symbol); result := symbol end; { nextSym } PROCEDURE error (m: STRING); BEGIN abbruch := true; Form1.errormemo.Lines.Add(m) END; { error } function Programm: boolean; function Bezeichner: boolean; var i: integer; begin result := true; for i:=1 to length(sym) do if not (sym[i] in ['A'..'Z']) then result := false; if result then result := (sym <> 'PROGRAM') and (sym <> 'VAR') and (sym <> 'INTEGER') and (sym <> 'PROCEDURE') and (sym <> 'BEGIN') and (sym <> 'END') and (sym <> 'WRITELN') and (sym <> 'READLN'); if result then sym := nextsym else error('Ungültiger Bezeichner gefunden!'); end; // Bezeichner function Programm_Kopf: boolean; begin result := true; If sym <> 'START' then begin result := false; error ('"START" erwartet!'); end else sym := nextsym; If result then result := Bezeichner; If result and (sym <> ';') then begin result := false; error ('";" erwartet!'); end else sym := nextsym; end; // Programm_Kopf function Block: boolean; function Variablen_Deklarationsteil: boolean; begin result := (sym = 'VAR'); if result then begin sym := nextsym; result := Bezeichner; while result and (sym = ',') do begin sym := nextsym; result := Bezeichner; end; if result then begin if sym <> ':' then begin result := false; error (' ":" erwartet!'); end else begin sym := nextsym; If sym <> 'INTEGER' then begin result := false; error ('"INTEGER" erwartet!'); end else begin sym := nextsym; if sym <> ';' then begin result := false; error ('";" erwartet!'); end else sym := nextsym; end; end; end; end else error ('Variablen-Deklarationsteil erwartet!') end; // Variablen_Deklarationsteil function Prozeduren_Deklarationsteil: boolean; begin result := (sym='PROCEDURE'); if result then begin sym := nextsym; if Bezeichner then begin if not (sym = ';') then begin result := false; error ('";" erwartet!'); end else begin sym := nextsym; if Block then begin if not (sym = ';') then begin result := false; error ('";" erwartet!'); end else sym := nextsym; end else result := false; end; end; end else begin result := false; error ('Prozeduren-Deklarationsteil erwartet!'); end; end; // Prozeduren_Deklarationsteil function Anweisungsteil: boolean; function Anweisung: boolean; function Zuweisung: boolean; function Konstante: boolean; begin end; // Konstante function Summe: boolean; begin end; // Summe begin if Bezeichner then if sym = ':=' then begin sym := nextsym; if Bezeichner then begin result := true; if sym = '+' then if Bezeichner then result := true else result := false; end else result := false; end else begin result := false; error ('":=" erwartet!'); end else result := false; end; // Zuweisung begin if (sym = 'WRITELN') Or (sym = 'READLN') then begin sym := nextsym; if sym = '(' then begin sym := nextsym; if Bezeichner then if sym = ')' then begin result := true; sym := nextsym; end else begin result := false; error ('")" erwartet!'); end; end else begin result := false; error ('"(" erwartet!'); end; end else result := Zuweisung; end; // Anweisung begin result := false; if sym = 'BEGIN' then begin result := true; sym := nextsym; if Anweisung then begin while result and (sym = ';') do begin sym := nextsym; result := Anweisung; end; if result then begin if sym = 'END' then begin result := true; sym := nextsym; end else begin result := false; error ('"END" erwartet!') end; end; end else begin result := false; error ('Anweisung erwartet!'); end; end else begin result := false; error ('Anweisungsteil erwartet!'); end; end; // Anweisungsteil begin if sym = 'VAR' then result := Variablen_Deklarationsteil else result := true; while result and (sym = 'PROCEDURE') do result := Prozeduren_Deklarationsteil; if result then result := Anweisungsteil; end; // Block begin Result := false; If Programm_Kopf then If Block then If sym='.' then result := true; end; // Programm begin c_pos := 0; abbruch := false; c := next; sym := nextsym; If Programm Then begin Form1.errormemo.Clear; Form1.errormemo.Visible := False; end Else begin Form1.errormemo.Visible := True; end; // If Programm Then Form1.Labeltest.Caption := '#' // Else Showmessage ('Fehler im Programm!') end; { parse } procedure TForm1.parseButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin memo2.lines.Clear; parse (memo1.text) end; { TForm1.testButtonClick } procedure TForm1.endeButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin close end; { TForm1.endeButtonClick } procedure TForm1.infoButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin form2.showModal end; procedure TForm1.oeffnenButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin if openDialog1.Execute then begin dateiname := openDialog1.FileName; memo1.lines.LoadFromFile (dateiname); form1.Caption := dateiname end; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin // Button1.Click; searchStart := 0; forceCurrentDirectory := true; geaendert := false; end; procedure TForm1.CodingChange(Sender: TObject); begin geaendert := true end; procedure TForm1.speichernButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin if saveDialog1.Execute then begin dateiname := saveDialog1.FileName; memo1.lines.savetoFile (dateiname); form1.Caption := dateiname; geaendert := false; end; end; procedure TForm1.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean); var antwort: integer; begin if geaendert then begin antwort := messagebox(0, 'Die Datei wurde verändert. Soll sie gespeichert werden?', 'Parser', MB_YESNOCANCEL+MB_ICONQUESTION); if antwort = 6 then begin speichernButtonClick(Sender); canclose := true; end else if antwort = 7 then canclose := true else canclose := false; end else canclose := true; end; function TForm1.FindTextAll(re: TRichEdit; sText: string; options: TSearchTypes): TIntegerDynArray; var iStart, iFound, iLength: integer; begin SetLength(Result, 0); iStart := 0; iLength := Length(re.Lines.Text); while iStart < (iLength - Length(sText)) do begin iFound := re.FindText(sText, iStart, iLength - iStart, options); if iFound = -1 then Exit; SetLength(Result, Succ(Length(Result))); Result[High(Result)] := iFound; iStart := iFound + Length(sText); end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin sText := 'start'; ida := FindTextAll(Memo1, sText, []); for i := Low(ida) to High(ida) do with Memo1 do begin SelStart := ida[i]; SelLength := Length(sText); SelAttributes.Color := clBlue; //SelAttributes.Color := ColorBox1.Selected; // SelAttributes.Color := optionform.ColorBox1.Selected; SelAttributes.Style := [fsBold]; end; end; procedure TForm1.Memo1Change(Sender: TObject); begin // ida := FindTextAll(Memo1, sText, []); // Button1.Click; end; end. ![]() Evtl. steckt es ja in der procedure parse (s: string); Unit drinnen. |
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