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Registriert seit: 20. Jan 2007
2 Beiträge

Re: show all IP's on the network that listen to specific por

  Alt 20. Jan 2007, 23:29
Many thanks. I placed the code in a loop to check a certain range with a progressbar indicating the progress but found that for some IP adresses, there's a (too) big delay, takes approx. 4-5 seconds for an IP-adress that is not connected on the network. If I do a netstat on the doscommand prompt, that takes 0.5 seconds ... any option to speed things up ?

Thanks !

for i := offset to last do
  progress := progress + progressstep;
  progressbar1.Position := round(progress);

  adrestocheck := IPA1.text + '.' + IPA2.text + '.' + IPA3.text + '.'+inttostr(i);


  if checkportopen(adrestocheck,6363) then

      label1.caption :=('not');
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