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Delphi 11 Alexandria

Re: Mozilla Activex Control und IHTMLElementCollection

  Alt 10. Jan 2007, 01:36
hallo dizzy
dachte ich zuerst auch nur wenn du dir mal folgendes beispiel ansiehst wirst du sehen, dass dort IHTMLElementCollection verwendet wird:
procedure TfrmMain.mViewSourceClick(Sender: TObject);
{show page source}
{document.Body.ParentElement.OuterHtml causes AV}
{look for <html> tag and get the InnerHtml from it - Nick Bradbury}
{source that is actually shown in browser including any created by javascript}
  sPage : string;
  hDoc: IHTMLDocument2;
  hElm : IHTMLElement;
  hCol : IHTMLElementCollection;
  i, nLen : integer;
  frmSource: TfrmSource;
  {get page source}
  if not(mzGecko.Busy) then begin
      hDoc := mzGecko.Document as IHTMLDocument2;
      {first get body, in case looking for <html> fails}
      sPage := hDoc.Body.OuterHtml;
      {get collection of all elements, then look for <html>}
      hCol := hDoc.All;
      if (Assigned(hCol)) then begin
        nLen := hCol.length;
        for i := 0 to nLen - 1 do begin
          hElm := IHTMLElement(hCol.Item(i, varEmpty));
          if SameText(hElm.TagName, 'html') then sPage := hElm.InnerHtml; {found <html>}
          end; {for i..}
        end; {if Assigned(hCol)..}
      {show in frmSource (frees itself when closed)}
      frmSource := TfrmSource.Create(self);
      frmSource.Caption := frmSource.Caption + cmbxAddress.Text;
      {handle exceptions}
      on E : Exception do begin
        MessageDlg('ERROR: Unable to View Source.' + #13 + E.ClassName
          + ': ' + E.Message + '.', mtError, [mbOk], 0);
        end; {on Exception..}
      end; {try..except..}
    end; {if not(mzGecko.Busy)..}
end; {procedure TfrmMain.mViewSourceClick}

hat das was mit mit meinem problem zu tun?
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