Ich würde statt
array of TImage ganz eindeutig zu der Kontainerklasse
TComponentList raten.
Das vereinfacht das Handling und erweitert deine Möglichkeiten.
Du solltest wirklich keinen Gedanken an das dynamische Array mehr verschwenden.
Use a TComponentList to store and maintain a list of components. TComponentList provides properties and methods to add, delete, rearrange, locate, access, and sort components. Like TObject List, TComponentList controls the memory of its components; unless the OwnsObjects property is set to False (or the components are removed with the Extract method), TComponentList frees its components when they are removed from the list or when the TComponentList instance is itself destroyed.
In addition, TComponentList tracks its components. Whenever a component is freed, TComponentList automatically updates itself by deleting the reference to the freed component and packing the list.