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Registriert seit: 24. Apr 2004
755 Beiträge
Delphi 2010 Professional

Re: nonVCL - Erstellung eines Tabsheet Controls

  Alt 2. Jan 2007, 23:20
so, nach den feiertagen mal ein kleines update,
wo ich wie gewünscht die tabsheets als windows implementiert und mit subcontrols versehen habe.
ist dies nun so ausreichend (@luckie)?

program TabsheetControlNonVCL;
{ this little project describes how to create a window with a tab control      }
{ without using any dialogs and resourcefiles                                  }

{$R 'resources.res' 'resources.RC'}


  const_CLASSNAME = 'ClassNameForm1';
  const_WINDOWNAME = 'Tabsheet Control - nonVCL';

  IDC_BUTTON1 = 5;
  IDC_BUTTON2 = 6;
  IDC_BUTTON3 = 7;

  constSpace = 10;

// some forward declarations

// window procedures
function WndProc_MainForm(wnd: HWND; uMsg: UINT; wp: WPARAM; lp: LPARAM): LRESULT; stdcall; forward;
function WndProc_Tab0(wnd: HWND; uMsg: UINT; wp: WPARAM; lp: LPARAM): LRESULT; stdcall; forward;
function WndProc_Tab1(wnd: HWND; uMsg: UINT; wp: WPARAM; lp: LPARAM): LRESULT; stdcall; forward;
function WndProc_Tab2(wnd: HWND; uMsg: UINT; wp: WPARAM; lp: LPARAM): LRESULT; stdcall; forward;

// font handling
procedure CreateGlobalFont(); forward;
procedure AssignFontToControl(aHwnd: HWND); forward;

// helper methods
procedure CreateTabsheetControl(wnd: HWND); forward;
function getHandleOfActiveTabsheet(): HWND; forward;

  g_hwnd_Tab2Button3 : HWND;

  msg : TMsg;

  // structure of our main window class
  wc: TWndClassEx = (
    cbSize : SizeOf(TWndClassEx);
    lpfnWndProc : @WndProc_MainForm;
    cbClsExtra : 0;
    cbWndExtra : 0;
    lpszMenuName : nil;
    hIconSm : 0;

  // structure of our tab0 window class
  wc_tab0: TWndClassEx = (
    cbSize : SizeOf(TWndClassEx);
    lpfnWndProc : @WndProc_Tab0;
    cbClsExtra : 0;
    cbWndExtra : 0;
    lpszMenuName : nil;
    hIconSm : 0;

  // structure of our tab1 window class
  wc_tab1: TWndClassEx = (
    cbSize : SizeOf(TWndClassEx);
    lpfnWndProc : @WndProc_Tab1;
    cbClsExtra : 0;
    cbWndExtra : 0;
    lpszMenuName : nil;
    hIconSm : 0;

  // structure of our tab1 window class
  wc_tab2: TWndClassEx = (
    cbSize : SizeOf(TWndClassEx);
    lpfnWndProc : @WndProc_Tab2;
    cbClsExtra : 0;
    cbWndExtra : 0;
    lpszMenuName : nil;
    hIconSm : 0;

procedure CreateGlobalFont();
// =============================================================================
// create a font
// =============================================================================
  g_hwnd_Font := CreateFont( -11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                              'MS Sans Serif');

procedure AssignFontToControl(aHwnd: HWND);
// =============================================================================
// Assign the system font to the specified control
// =============================================================================
  if g_hwnd_Font <> 0 then
    SendMessage(aHwnd, WM_SETFONT, Integer(g_hwnd_Font), Integer(true));

function getHandleOfActiveTabsheet(): HWND;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// returns the handle of the active sheet in tabcontrol
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  case SendMessage(g_hwnd_Tabcontrol, TCM_GETCURSEL, 0, 0) of
    0: Result := g_hwnd_Tab0Window;
    1: Result := g_hwnd_Tab1Window;
    else Result := g_hwnd_Tab2Window;

procedure CreateTabsheetControl(wnd: HWND);
// =============================================================================
// creates a tabsheet control
// =============================================================================

  function AddTab(sCaption: string; iIndex: Integer; wnd: HWND): boolean;
  // insert a tabitem to the tabsheetcontrol
    aTabItem : TC_ITEM;
    with aTabItem do
      mask := TCIF_TEXT or TCIF_IMAGE;
      iImage := -1;
      pszText := PAnsiChar(sCaption); { the caption of tabsheet  }

    // send the insert message to the tabcontrol
    Result := SendMessage(wnd, TCM_INSERTITEM, iIndex, Integer(@aTabItem)) <> -1;

  WindowRect : TRect;
  TabRect : TRect;
  // get the measures of the mainwindow
  GetClientRect(wnd, &WindowRect);

  // load the common controls DLL

  // calculate the measurements of the tabsheet control
  SetRect( &TabRect,

  // create the tabsheet control
  g_hwnd_Tabcontrol := CreateWindow( WC_TABCONTROL, '',
                                     WS_CHILD or WS_CLIPSIBLINGS or WS_VISIBLE or TCS_TOOLTIPS,
                                     nil );
  // add tabs
  if (g_hwnd_Tabcontrol <> 0) then
    AddTab('1. tabsheet', 0, g_hwnd_Tabcontrol);
    AddTab('and here is the second tab', 1, g_hwnd_Tabcontrol);
    AddTab('third tab', 2, g_hwnd_Tabcontrol);


  // tab0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------

  // fill structure with infos about our window
  with wc_tab0 do
    // set the cursor
    hCursor := LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW);

    // set the icon
    hIcon := LoadIcon(hInstance, IDI_INFORMATION);

    // set the background
    hbrBackground := GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_3DFACE);

    // the classname has to be unique in our process
    lpszClassName := PAnsiChar('tab0');
  wc_tab0.hInstance := hInstance;

  // register the window

  // create the window
  g_hwnd_Tab0Window := CreateWindowEx( 0,
                                       PAnsiChar('no caption'),
                                       WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD,

  // tab1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------

  // fill structure with infos about our window
  with wc_tab1 do
    // set the cursor
    hCursor := LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW);

    // set the icon
    hIcon := LoadIcon(hInstance, IDI_INFORMATION);

    // set the background
    hbrBackground := GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_3DFACE);

    // the classname has to be unique in our process
    lpszClassName := PAnsiChar('tab1');
  wc_tab1.hInstance := hInstance;

  // register the window

  // create the window
  g_hwnd_Tab1Window := CreateWindowEx( 0,
                                       PAnsiChar('no caption'),

  // tab2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------

  // fill structure with infos about our window
  with wc_tab2 do
    // set the cursor
    hCursor := LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW);

    // set the icon
    hIcon := LoadIcon(hInstance, IDI_INFORMATION);

    // set the background
    hbrBackground := GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_3DFACE);

    // the classname has to be unique in our process
    lpszClassName := PAnsiChar('tab2');
  wc_tab2.hInstance := hInstance;

  // register the window

  // create the window
  g_hwnd_Tab2Window := CreateWindowEx( 0,
                                       PAnsiChar('no caption'),

function WndProc_MainForm(wnd: HWND; uMsg: UINT; wp: WPARAM; lp: LPARAM): LRESULT; stdcall;
// =============================================================================
// handle the messages of our main window
// =============================================================================
  TabRect : TRect;
  WindowRect : TRect;
  nmptr : PNMHdr;
  Result := 0;
  case uMsg of
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // creating the window and its controls (= subwindows)
        // create the tabsheet control

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // the resize event
        // get the new measurements
        SetRect( &TabRect,
                 LOWORD(lp) - 2*constSpace,
                 HIWORD(lp) - 2*constSpace );

        // set the new position of the tabcontrol
        MoveWindow( g_hwnd_Tabcontrol,

        // set the new position of the tabcontrol
        SetWindowPos( getHandleOfActiveTabsheet(),
                      SWP_SHOWWINDOW or SWP_NOMOVE);

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // the actual tabsheet has changed
        nmptr := PNMHdr(lp);
        if (nmptr.code = TCN_SELCHANGE) then
          // get the measures of the mainwindow
          GetClientRect(wnd, &WindowRect);
          case TabCtrl_GetCurFocus(nmptr.hwndFrom) of
              // show the first tabsheet(-window)
              ShowWindow(g_hwnd_Tab0Window, SW_SHOW);
              // hide the second tabsheet(-window)
              ShowWindow(g_hwnd_Tab1Window, SW_HIDE);

              // hide the third tabsheet(-window)
              ShowWindow(g_hwnd_Tab2Window, SW_HIDE);

              // hide the first tabsheet(-window)
              ShowWindow(g_hwnd_Tab0Window, SW_HIDE);

              // show the second tabsheet(-window)
              ShowWindow(g_hwnd_Tab1Window, SW_SHOW);

              // hide the third tabsheet(-window)
              ShowWindow(g_hwnd_Tab2Window, SW_HIDE);

              // hide the first tabsheet(-window)
              ShowWindow(g_hwnd_Tab0Window, SW_HIDE);
              // hide the second tabsheet(-window)
              ShowWindow(g_hwnd_Tab1Window, SW_HIDE);

              // show the third tabsheet(-window)
              ShowWindow(g_hwnd_Tab2Window, SW_SHOW);

          // resize the mainwindow -->
          // ensures, that the active tabsheet window fits the tabsheet control
          SendMessage( g_hwnd_MainwWindow,
                       MAKELPARAM( WindowRect.Right-WindowRect.Left,
                                   WindowRect.Bottom-WindowRect.Top ) );

    // destroying the window ---------------------------------------------------
    WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage(0);
    // ensures that we process every message
    Result := DefWindowProc(wnd,uMsg,wp,lp);

function WndProc_Tab0(wnd: HWND; uMsg: UINT; wp: WPARAM; lp: LPARAM): LRESULT; stdcall;
// =============================================================================
// handle the messages of our tab0 window
// =============================================================================
  TabRect: TRect;
  Result := 0;

  case uMsg of
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // creating the window and its controls (= subwindows)
        // create the button
        g_hwnd_Tab0Button1 := CreateWindowEx( 0,
                                              PAnsiChar('this is a button an sheet 1'),
                                              WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD{ or BS_BITMAP},

        // assign the font to the button

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // a control was clicked
        if (hiword(wp) = BN_CLICKED) then
          case loword(wp) of
            IDC_BUTTON1: MessageBox( g_hwnd_MainwWindow,
                                     'you have clicked the button on the first tabsheet',

    // ensures that we process every message
    Result := DefWindowProc(wnd,uMsg,wp,lp);

function WndProc_Tab1(wnd: HWND; uMsg: UINT; wp: WPARAM; lp: LPARAM): LRESULT; stdcall;
  TabRect: TRect;
// =============================================================================
// handle the messages of our tab1 window
// =============================================================================
  Result := 0;

  case uMsg of
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // creating the window and its controls (= subwindows)
        // create the button
        g_hwnd_Tab1Button2 := CreateWindowEx( 0,
                                              PAnsiChar('this is a button an sheet 2'),
                                              WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD{ or BS_BITMAP},

        // assign the font to the button

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // a control was clicked
        if (hiword(wp) = BN_CLICKED) then
          case loword(wp) of
            IDC_BUTTON2: MessageBox( g_hwnd_MainwWindow,
                                     'you have clicked the button on the second tabsheet',

    // ensures that we process every message
    Result := DefWindowProc(wnd,uMsg,wp,lp);

function WndProc_Tab2(wnd: HWND; uMsg: UINT; wp: WPARAM; lp: LPARAM): LRESULT; stdcall;
  TabRect: TRect;
// =============================================================================
// handle the messages of our tab2 window
// =============================================================================
  Result := 0;

  case uMsg of
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // creating the window and its controls (= subwindows)
        // create the button
        g_hwnd_Tab2Button3 := CreateWindowEx( 0,
                                              PAnsiChar('this is a button an sheet 3'),
                                              WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD{ or BS_BITMAP},

        // assign the font to the button

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // a control was clicked
        if (hiword(wp) = BN_CLICKED) then
          case loword(wp) of
            IDC_BUTTON3: MessageBox( g_hwnd_MainwWindow,
                                     'you have clicked the button on the third tabsheet',

    // ensures that we process every message
    Result := DefWindowProc(wnd,uMsg,wp,lp);

// =============================================================================
// main method
// =============================================================================
  // create a font
  // fill structure with infos about our window
  with wc do
    // set the cursor
    hCursor := LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW);

    // set the icon
    hIcon := LoadIcon(hInstance, IDI_INFORMATION);

    // set the background
    hbrBackground := GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_3DFACE);

    // the classname has to be unique in our process
    lpszClassName := PAnsiChar(const_CLASSNAME);
  wc.hInstance := hInstance;

  // register the window

  // create the window
  // -----------------
  // hint:
  // style = WS_EX_COMPOSITED --> Paints all descendants of a window in
  // bottom-to-top painting order using double-buffering
  g_hwnd_MainwWindow := CreateWindowEx(
                        WS_EX_COMPOSITED,{ style }
                        PAnsiChar(const_CLASSNAME), { ClassName }
                        PAnsiChar(const_WINDOWNAME), { WindowName }
                        WS_VISIBLE or WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,
                        700, 550, 0, 0,

  // message loop --------------------------------------------------------------
  while(GetMessage(msg,0,0,0)) do

Geändert von semo (13. Feb 2011 um 21:04 Uhr)
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