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Registriert seit: 11. Mai 2005
Ort: Göppingen
1.238 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Professional

AccessViolation beim öffnen einer Com Verbindung

  Alt 2. Jan 2007, 16:01
Wenn ich mit diesem Code:

procedure TfComm.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
 GroupBox1.Enabled := false;
 Combobox1.Enabled := false;

 rs2321 := trs232.create(self);

 with rs2321 do begin
  ComPortSpeed := br19200;
  ComPortDatabits := db8bits;
  ComPortHwHandshaking := hhNone;
  ComPortParity := ptNone;
  ComPortStopBits := sb1bits;
  ComPortSwHandshaking := shnone;
  TimeOut := -1;
  TimeOutException := false;

 case combobox1.ItemIndex of
  0: rs2321.ComPort := pnCom1;
  1: rs2321.ComPort := pnCom2;
  2: rs2321.ComPort := pnCom3;
  3: rs2321.ComPort := pnCom4;


 if RS2321.Connected then
   (Sender as tbutton).Caption := 'Verbindung erfolgreich!';

   GroupBox2.Enabled := false;
   Button1.Enabled := false;
   GroupBox3.Enabled := true;
   Button2.Enabled := true;
  messagedlg('Fehler bei dem Herstellen der Verbindung!'+#13+#10+'Bitte das Kabel nochmals überprüfen.', mtError, [mbOK], 0);
...versuche eine RS232 Verbindung herstellen knallts in der Zeile : RS2321.Connect;

Die Connect Funktion sieht folgendermaßen aus:

function TCommPortDriver.Connect: boolean;
var comName: array[0..4] of char;
  // Do nothing if already connected
  Result := Connected;
  if Result then exit;
  // Open the COM port
  StrPCopy( comName, 'COM' );
  comName[3] := chr( ord('1') + ord(FComPort) );
  comName[4] := #0;
  FComPortHandle := CreateFile(
                                GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE,
                                0, // Not shared
                                nil, // No security attributes
                                0 // No template
                              ) ;
  Result := Connected;
  if not Result then exit;
  // Apply settings
  // Setup timeouts: we disable timeouts because we are polling the com port!
  tms.ReadIntervalTimeout := 1; // Specifies the maximum time, in milliseconds,
                                // allowed to elapse between the arrival of two
                                // characters on the communications line
  tms.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier := 0; // Specifies the multiplier, in
                                       // milliseconds, used to calculate
                                       // the total time-out period
                                       // for read operations.
  tms.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant := 1; // Specifies the constant, in milliseconds,
                                     // used to calculate the total time-out
                                     // period for read operations.
  tms.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier := 0; // Specifies the multiplier, in
                                        // milliseconds, used to calculate
                                        // the total time-out period
                                        // for write operations.
  tms.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant := 0; // Specifies the constant, in
                                      // milliseconds, used to calculate
                                      // the total time-out period
                                      // for write operations.
  SetCommTimeOuts( FComPortHandle, tms );

  Sleep(1000); // to avoid timing problems, wait until the Comm-Port is opened
(Für die die es wissen wollen die Exception tritt genau bei pop esi auf)

In einer anderen Anwendung funktioniert alles...ohne Exception.

Hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen.

It's not a bug, it's a feature.
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