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Re: Last Bild von der Datenbank

  Alt 29. Dez 2006, 18:08
Uh... I think you should stick to posts complete in english.

In the first line you wrote something like "how to educate when a web browser gets an image from a database" which does not really make sense.

Anyway... we will need more information from you.
What technique do you use to prepare the data for the web browser on server side?

Then you need to understand, that a webbrowser never ever requests a C:\filename URI but will request a protocol://host.domain/path/filename.

The only way to ge a webserver retrieve a picture from a database is to
  • either: use a gateway file like picture.php and supply the filename as a argument. Like http://server.de/picture.php?picturename.jpg - the php file then will retrieve the picture from the database and send it to the browser.
  • or: use the described solution above in addition to what is called 'rewriting' rules. Then you can request a filename.jpg and the web servers rewriting rule will rewrite the url to picture.php?filename.jpg
Sebastian Gingter
Phoenix - 不死鳥, Microsoft MVP, Rettungshundeführer
Über mich: Sebastian Gingter @ Thinktecture Mein Blog: https://gingter.org
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