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Delphi 2005 Professional

Re: IconIndex aus "DefaultIcon"-Eintrag in der Reg

  Alt 29. Dez 2006, 15:15
Zitat von mpth:
EnumResources? kenn ich so gar nicht... meinst du IShellItem.EnumResources?
Ich hänge am besten mal die komplette Funktion an, wo ich das ganze benötige. Der relevante Teil ist allerdings ziemlich weit unten
function SaveApplicationIconGroup(icofile: PChar; exefile: PChar): Boolean;
  function GetProgramAssociation(Ext: string): string;
    reg: TRegistry;
    r, s: string;
    Buffer: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
    s := '';
    reg := TRegistry.Create;
    reg.RootKey := HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT;
    if reg.OpenKey(ext + '\DefaultIcon', false) <> false then
      s := reg.ReadString('');
      if reg.OpenKey(ext, false) <> false then
        s := reg.ReadString('');
        if s <> 'then
          if reg.OpenKey(s + '\DefaultIcon', false) <> false then
            s := reg.ReadString('');
    if Pos('%', s) = 1 then
      r := Copy(s, 2, Length(s));
      if Pos('%', r) > 0 then
        r := Copy(r, 1, Pos('%', r) - 1);
        GetEnvironmentVariable(PChar(r), Buffer, MAX_PATH);
        s := Copy(s, Length(r) + 3, Length(s));
        r := Buffer;
        s := r + s;
    if Pos('%', s) > 0 then
      Delete(s, Pos('%', s), length(s));
    if ((length(s) > 0) and (s[1] = '"')) then
      Delete(s, 1, 1);
    if ((length(s) > 0) and (s[length(s)] = '"')) then
      Delete(s, Length(s), 1);
    while ((length(s) > 0) and ((s[length(s)] = #32) or (s[length(s)] = '"')))
      Delete(s, Length(s), 1);
    result := s;
  function EnumResourceNamesProc(Module: HMODULE; ResType: PChar; ResName:
    PChar; lParam: TStringList): Integer; stdcall;
    ResourceName: string;
    if hiword(Cardinal(ResName)) = 0 then
      ResourceName := IntToStr(loword(Cardinal(ResName)));
      ResourceName := ResName;
    Result := 1;
  function ExtractIconFromFile(ResFileName: string; IcoFileName: string; nIndex:
    string): Boolean;

    TMEMICONDIRENTRY = packed record
      bWidth: Byte;
      bHeight: Byte;
      bColorCount: Byte;
      bReserved: Byte;
      wPlanes: Word;
      wBitCount: Word;
      dwBytesInRes: DWORD;
      nID: Word;
    TMEMICONDIR = packed record
      idReserved: Word;
      idType: Word;
      idCount: Word;
      idEntries: array[0..15] of TMEMICONDIRENTRY;
    TICONDIRENTRY = packed record
      bWidth: Byte;
      bHeight: Byte;
      bColorCount: Byte;
      bReserved: Byte;
      wPlanes: Word;
      wBitCount: Word;
      dwBytesInRes: DWORD;
      dwImageOffset: DWORD;
    TICONIMAGE = packed record
        Colors: UINT;
      lpBits: Pointer;
      dwNumBytes: DWORD;
      pBmpInfo: PBitmapInfo;
    TICONRESOURCE = packed record
      nNumImages: UINT;
      IconImages: array[0..15] of TICONIMAGE;
    function AdjustIconImagePointers(lpImage: PICONIMAGE): Bool;
      if lpImage = nil then
        Result := False;
      lpImage.pBmpInfo := PBitMapInfo(lpImage^.lpBits);
      lpImage.Width := lpImage^.pBmpInfo^.bmiHeader.biWidth;
      lpImage.Height := (lpImage^.pBmpInfo^.bmiHeader.biHeight) div 2;
      lpImage.Colors := lpImage^.pBmpInfo^.bmiHeader.biPlanes *
      Result := true;
    function WriteICOHeader(hFile: THandle; nNumEntries: UINT): Boolean;
      TFIcoHeader = record
        wReserved: WORD;
        wType: WORD;
        wNumEntries: WORD;
      IcoHeader: TFIcoHeader;
      dwBytesWritten: DWORD;
      Result := False;
      IcoHeader.wReserved := 0;
      IcoHeader.wType := 1;
      IcoHeader.wNumEntries := WORD(nNumEntries);
      if not WriteFile(hFile, IcoHeader, SizeOf(IcoHeader), dwBytesWritten, nil)
        MessageBox(0, pchar(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError)), 'Error',
        Result := False;
      if dwBytesWritten <> SizeOf(IcoHeader) then
      Result := True;
    function CalculateImageOffset(lpIR: PICONRESOURCE; nIndex: UINT): DWORD;
      dwSize: DWORD;
      i: Integer;
      dwSize := 3 * SizeOf(WORD);
      inc(dwSize, lpIR.nNumImages * SizeOf(TICONDIRENTRY));
      for i := 0 to nIndex - 1 do
        inc(dwSize, lpIR.IconImages[i].dwNumBytes);
      Result := dwSize;
    function WriteIconResourceToFile(hFile: hwnd; lpIR: PICONRESOURCE): Boolean;
      i: UINT;
      dwBytesWritten: DWORD;
      dwTemp: DWORD;
      Result := False;
      for i := 0 to lpIR^.nNumImages - 1 do
        /// Convert internal format to ICONDIRENTRY
        ide.bWidth := lpIR^.IconImages[i].Width;
        ide.bHeight := lpIR^.IconImages[i].Height;
        ide.bReserved := 0;
        ide.wPlanes := lpIR^.IconImages[i].pBmpInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes;
        ide.wBitCount := lpIR^.IconImages[i].pBmpInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount;
        if ide.wPlanes * ide.wBitCount >= 8 then
          ide.bColorCount := 0
          ide.bColorCount := 1 shl (ide.wPlanes * ide.wBitCount);
        ide.dwBytesInRes := lpIR^.IconImages[i].dwNumBytes;
        ide.dwImageOffset := CalculateImageOffset(lpIR, i);
        if not WriteFile(hFile, ide, sizeof(TICONDIRENTRY), dwBytesWritten, nil)
        if dwBytesWritten <> sizeof(TICONDIRENTRY) then
      for i := 0 to lpIR^.nNumImages - 1 do
        dwTemp := lpIR^.IconImages[i].pBmpInfo^.bmiHeader.biSizeImage;
        lpIR^.IconImages[i].pBmpInfo^.bmiHeader.biSizeImage := 0;
        if not WriteFile(hFile, lpIR^.IconImages[i].lpBits^,
          lpIR^.IconImages[i].dwNumBytes, dwBytesWritten, nil) then
        if dwBytesWritten <> lpIR^.IconImages[i].dwNumBytes then
        lpIR^.IconImages[i].pBmpInfo^.bmiHeader.biSizeImage := dwTemp;
      Result := True;

    h: HMODULE;
    lpMemIcon: PMEMICONDIR;
    src: HRSRC;
    Global: HGLOBAL;
    i: integer;
    hFile: hwnd;
    Result := False;
    hFile := CreateFile(pchar(IcoFileName), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil,
    if hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
    h := LoadLibraryEx(pchar(ResFileName), 0, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE);
    if h = 0 then
      src := FindResource(h, pchar(nIndex), RT_GROUP_ICON);
      if src = 0 then
        Src := FindResource(h, Pointer(StrToInt(nIndex)), RT_GROUP_ICON);
      if src <> 0 then
        Global := LoadResource(h, src);
        if Global <> 0 then
          lpMemIcon := LockResource(Global);
          if Global <> 0 then
              lpIR.nNumImages := lpMemIcon.idCount;
              // Write the header
              for i := 0 to lpMemIcon^.idCount - 1 do
                src := FindResource(h,
                  MakeIntResource(lpMemIcon^.idEntries[i].nID), RT_ICON);
                if src <> 0 then
                  Global := LoadResource(h, src);
                  if Global <> 0 then
                      lpIR.IconImages[i].dwNumBytes := SizeofResource(h, src);
                      MessageBox(0, PChar('Unable to Read Icon'), 'NTPacker',
                      Result := False;
                    CopyMemory(lpIR.IconImages[i].lpBits, LockResource(Global),
                    if not AdjustIconImagePointers(@(lpIR.IconImages[i])) then
              if WriteICOHeader(hFile, lpIR.nNumImages) then
                if WriteIconResourceToFile(hFile, @lpIR) then
                  Result := True;
              for i := 0 to lpIR.nNumImages - 1 do
                if assigned(lpIR.IconImages[i].lpBits) then
  hExe: THandle;
  i: Integer;
  SL: TStringList;
  Tmp1, Tmp2: string;
  index: Word;
  myexefile: PChar;
  index := 0;
  Tmp1 := exefile;
  myexefile := #0;
  myexefile := PChar(Tmp1);

  { Hier versuche ich bei NICHT-EXEn doch an das vollständige Icon zu kommen... }
  if LowerCase(ExtractFileExt(myexefile)) <> '.exethen
    myexefile := PChar(GetProgramAssociation(ExtractFileExt(myexefile)));
    if Pos(',', myexefile) > 0 then
      Tmp1 := myexefile;
      Tmp2 := Trim(Copy(Tmp1, Pos(',', Tmp1) + 1, Length(Tmp1)));
      Tmp1 := Trim(Copy(Tmp1, 1, Pos(',', Tmp1) - 1));
      if Copy(Tmp2, 1, 1) = '-then
        index := StrToIntDef(Tmp2, 0) + 224 // <-- Da muss ich zu meinem Korrekturwert greifen
        index := StrToIntDef(Tmp2, 0);
    myexefile := PChar(Tmp1);
  Result := False;
  SL := TStringList.Create;
  hExe := LoadLibraryEx(PChar(myexefile), 0, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE);
  if hExe = 0 then
  EnumResourceNames(hExe, RT_GROUP_ICON, @EnumResourceNamesProc, Integer(SL));
  if SL.Count = 0 then
    //MessageBox(0, 'No Icons found in the EXE/DLL', 'Error', MB_ICONERROR);
  ExtractIconFromFile(myexefile, icofile, SL.Strings[index]);
  Result := True;
Elektronische Bauelemente funktionieren mit Rauch. Kommt der Rauch raus, geht das Bauteil nicht mehr.
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