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755 Beiträge
Delphi 2010 Professional

nonVCL - Erstellung eines Tabsheet Controls

  Alt 26. Dez 2006, 17:57
Ich habe mal ein kleines Tutorial bei meiner Einarbeitung in die WindowsAPI erstellt.
Es wird ein Tabsheet Control unter Nutzung der Windows API erstellt. Dabei verwende ich keine Resourcendatei für das Control.
An dieser Stelle danke ich den tollen nonVCL-Tutorials von Luckie!

program TabsheetControlNonVCL;
{ this little project describes how to create a window with a tab control   }
{ ============================================================================ }


  const_CLASSNAME = 'ClassNameForm1';
  const_WINDOWNAME = 'Tabsheet Control - nonVCL';

  g_hwnd_MainwWindow : HWND;
  g_hwnd_Tabcontrol : HWND;

function CreateTabsheetControl(wnd: HWND): HWND;
// =============================================================================
// creates a tabsheet control
// =============================================================================

  function AddTab(sCaption: string; iIndex: Integer; wnd: HWND): boolean;
  // ===========================================================================
  // insert a tabitem to the tabsheetcontrol
  // ===========================================================================
    aTabItem : TC_ITEM;
    with aTabItem do
      mask := TCIF_TEXT or TCIF_IMAGE;
      iImage := -1;
      pszText := PAnsiChar(sCaption);

    // send the insert message to the tabcontrol
    Result := SendMessage(wnd, TCM_INSERTITEM, iIndex, Integer(@aTabItem)) <> -1;

  aRect : TRect;
  myFont : HWND;
  // get the measures of the mainwindow
  GetClientRect(wnd, &aRect);

  // load the common controls DLL

  // create the tabsheet control
  Result := CreateWindow( WC_TABCONTROL, '',
                           WS_CHILD or WS_CLIPSIBLINGS or WS_VISIBLE,
                           0, 0, aRect.right, aRect.bottom,
                           wnd, 0, HInstance, nil );
  // add tabs
  if (Result <> 0) then
    AddTab('first tab', 0, Result);
    AddTab('second tab', 1, Result);
    AddTab('third tab', 2, Result);

  // create a font for the captions of the tabsheets
  MyFont := CreateFont( -11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                        'MS Sans Serif');

  // assign the font to the tabsheets
  if MyFont <> 0 then
    SendMessage(Result, WM_SETFONT, Integer(MyFont), Integer(true));

function WndProc_MainForm(wnd: HWND; uMsg: UINT; wp: WPARAM; lp: LPARAM): LRESULT; stdcall;
// =============================================================================
// handle the messages of our main window
// =============================================================================
  aRec : TRect;
  ahdwp : hdwp;
  nmptr : PNMHdr;
  iTabnumber : integer;
  dc : HDC;
  s : string;
  Result := 0;
  case uMsg of
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // creating the window and its controls (= subwindows)

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // the resize event --> assuming the tab control is the size of the client area
        // calculate the display rectangle
        SetRect( &aRec, 0, 0, LOWORD(lp), HIWORD(lp));
        TabCtrl_AdjustRect(g_hwnd_Tabcontrol, FALSE, @aRec);

        // size the tab control to fit the client area.
        ahdwp := BeginDeferWindowPos(2);

        DeferWindowPos( ahdwp, g_hwnd_Tabcontrol, 0, 0, 0,
                        LOWORD(lp), HIWORD(lp),
                        SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_NOZORDER );

        // Position and size the static control to fit the
        // tab control's display area, and make sure the
        // static control is in front of the tab control.
        DeferWindowPos( ahdwp, g_hwnd_Tabcontrol, HWND_TOP,
                        aRec.left, aRec.top,
                        aRec.right - aRec.left, aRec.bottom - aRec.top, 0);


    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // react to changing the actual tabsheet
        nmptr := PNMHdr(lp);
        if (nmptr.code = TCN_SELCHANGE) then
          iTabnumber := TabCtrl_GetCurFocus(nmptr.hwndFrom);
          s := 'you are now on the';

          case iTabnumber of
            0: s := s + ' first tabsheet';
            1: s := s + ' second tabsheet';
            2: s := s + ' third tabsheet';

          MessageBox(wnd, PAnsiChar(s), 'hint', MB_OK);

    // destroying the window ---------------------------------------------------
    WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage(0);
    // ensures that we process every message
    Result := DefWindowProc(wnd,uMsg,wp,lp);

// =============================================================================
// main method
// =============================================================================
  msg : TMsg;

  // structure of our window class
  wc: TWndClassEx = (
    cbSize : SizeOf(TWndClassEx);
    lpfnWndProc : @WndProc_MainForm;
    cbClsExtra : 0;
    cbWndExtra : 0;
    lpszMenuName : nil;
    hIconSm : 0;
  // fill structure with infos about our window
  with wc do
    // set the cursor
    hCursor := LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW);

    // set the icon
    hIcon := LoadIcon(hInstance, IDI_INFORMATION);

    // set the background
    hbrBackground := GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_3DFACE);

    // the classname has to be unique in our process
    lpszClassName := PAnsiChar(const_CLASSNAME);
  wc.hInstance := hInstance;

  // register the window

  // create the window
  g_hwnd_MainwWindow := CreateWindowEx( 0,
                                        PAnsiChar(const_CLASSNAME), { ClassName }
                                        PAnsiChar(const_WINDOWNAME), { WindowName }
                                        WS_VISIBLE or WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,
                                        700, 500, 0, 0,

  // create the tabsheet control
  g_hwnd_Tabcontrol := CreateTabsheetControl(g_hwnd_MainwWindow);

  // message loop --------------------------------------------------------------
  while(GetMessage(msg,0,0,0)) do

Geändert von semo (13. Feb 2011 um 21:05 Uhr)
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