With the RAVE-
IDE you can set your desires with Edit-> Options-> Preferences menu option. Then
on the "Preferences" dialog - select the "Printing" option on the left side. Set the "Output Options"
and the "Print Definition" sections to your output requirements.
For your application's, you must set the RvProject component engine property to a RvSystem
component. If you do not already have a RvSystem available, then drop one on the same form as
your RvProject. Once you have set the engine property, then go to the RvSystem-component and
you have a lot of properties that you can set, as needed. Some of the more popular ones are:
To disable the Output Dialog from showing:
RvSystem1.SystemSetups.ssAllowSetup := False;
To change the default destination of the output (File, Preview or Printer):
RvSystem1.DefaultDest := rdPrinter;
(sets default as printer)
To set the Preview Windows for maximized size
RvSystem1.SystemPreview.FormState := wsMaximized

thomas, TeamNevrona