CPropSheetHost *pThis = (CPropSheetHost*)((LONG_PTR)GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, VIEW_POINTER_OFFSET));
This is a local variable which is immediately initialized. GetWindowLongPtr supersedes GetWindowLong. You can use GetWindowLong instead.
The value pulled is the this or Self value handed in as parameter to CreateWindowEx.
switch (uMessage)
pThis = (CPropSheetHost*)(lpcs->lpCreateParams);
::SetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, VIEW_POINTER_OFFSET, (LONG)(LONG_PTR)pThis);
Now here the value is extracted from the CREATESTRUCT structure and stuffed into the extra data area of the window.
This works because WM_NCCREATE is about the first message received so the above variable initialization almost always pulls the value.
It just fails for WM_NCCREATE itself where it gets an uninitialized value, but in this case the variable is initialized from the CREATESTRUCT.
It is a bit overcoded and it contains a bug. The code is not 64 bit safe. (LONG)(LONG_PTR) is a double typecast which first casts the pointer to the type LONG_PTR. LONG_PTR can hold a 64 bit value. Unfortunately it is then casted to LONG which can hold only 32 bits. So the second typecast is actually a bug.
So this is just a trick to be always able to return to object land each time _HiddenWindowProc is called with a message.
Form: TForm1; // or whatever type you have handed in to CreateWindowEx
Form := GetWindowLong(hWnd, VIEW_POINTER_OFFSET));
case Msg of
SetWindowLong(hWnd, VIEW_POINTER_OFFSET, LONG(LPCREATESTRUCT(lParam).lpCreateParams));
This is the trick in Delphi. You can of course drop all this and just
access the global variable Form1 Delphi has created for you already.