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Registriert seit: 13. Dez 2006
1 Beiträge

ADS - Abstract Data Structure: Union-Find

  Alt 13. Dez 2006, 10:40
Could someone please help me? I need to program ADS union-find in Delphi. How could I add nodes in a tree, which has this structure:
1. Every item is in a tree.
2. The root of the tree is the representative item of all items in that tree. i.e., the root of the tree represents the whole items.
3. In this up-tree implementation, every node (except the root) has a pointer pointing to its parent.
The root element has a pointer pointing to itself (or nil).

interface :

    TNode = class
       parent : TNode;
        value : integer;
        constructor Create(i : integer);

    TTree = class
       root : TNode;
        constructor Create(i : integer);
        procedure add(item : integer);

    TUnionFind = class
       root : TTree;
        parent : TUnionFind;
        size : integer;
        name : String;
        constructor Create(s : string);

function Union(X, Y : TUnionFind) : TUnionFind;
implementation :

    function Find_Set(X : TUnionFind) : TUnionFind;
       while (X <> X.parent) do
           X := X.parent;
        Result := X;
   function Union(X, Y : TUnionFind) : TUnionFind;
       A, B : TUnionFind;
       A := Find_Set(X);
        B := Find_Set(Y);
        if (A.size <= B.size) then
           if (A.size = B.size) then
           A.parent := b;
            Result := A;
        end else
           B.parent := A;
            Result := B;
Danke schoen

[edit=SirThornberry]Delphi-Tags korrigiert - Mfg, SirThornberry[/edit]
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