API Name Return Value Module Name
WinStationOpenServerW 808544 (0xC5660) WINSTA.dll
Before Call Parameters
Pointer Paramter0: 2542716 (0x26CC7C)
Pointer Paramter1: (null)
Pointer Paramter2: 12367680 (0xBCB740)
Pointer Paramter3: 2 (0x2)
Pointer Paramter4: 7 (0x7)
Pointer Paramter5: 1 (0x1)
After Call Parameters
Pointer Paramter0: 2542716 (0x26CC7C)
Pointer Paramter1: (null)
Pointer Paramter2: 12367680 (0xBCB740)
Pointer Paramter3: 2 (0x2)
Pointer Paramter4: 7 (0x7)
Pointer Paramter5: 1 (0x1)
808544 (0xC5660)
API Name Return Value Module Name
WinStationShadow 1 (0x1) WINSTA.dll
Before Call Parameters
Pointer Paramter0: (null) <-------------- unknown
Pointer Paramter1: 2542716 (0x26CC7C) <-------------- not sure,
handle to server or some unknow structure? == Param0 from WinStationOpenServerW
Pointer Paramter2: 3 (0x3) <-------------- sessionid
Pointer Paramter3: 106 (0x6A) <-------------- keycode for stopping the remote control (VK_MULTIPLY = 6A)
Pointer Paramter4: 2 (0x2) <-------------- plus key (shift=1, ctrl=2, alt =4)
Pointer Paramter5: (null) <-------------- unknown
After Call Parameters
Pointer Paramter0: (null)
Pointer Paramter1: 2542716 (0x26CC7C)
Pointer Paramter2: 3 (0x3)
Pointer Paramter3: 106 (0x6A)
Pointer Paramter4: 2 (0x2)
Pointer Paramter5: (null)
1 (0x1) <--------------- Boolean or error/result code?
WinStationQueryInformationW 1 (0x1) WINSTA.dll
Before Call Parameters
Pointer Paramter0: 808544 (0xC5660)
Pointer Paramter1: 3 (0x3)
Pointer Paramter2: 8 (0x8)
Pointer Paramter3: 451472 (0x6E390)
Pointer Paramter4: 1216 (0x4C0)
Pointer Paramter5: 452704 (0x6E860)
After Call Parameters
Pointer Paramter0: 808544 (0xC5660)
Pointer Paramter1: 3 (0x3)
Pointer Paramter2: 8 (0x8)
Pointer Paramter3: 451472 (0x6E390)
Pointer Paramter4: 1216 (0x4C0)
Pointer Paramter5: 452704 (0x6E860)
1 (0x1)
API Name Return Value Module Name
WinStationCloseServer 1 (0x1) WINSTA.dll
Before Call Parameters
Pointer Paramter0: 808544 (0xC5660)
Pointer Paramter1: 454720 (0x6F040)
Pointer Paramter2: 1701515922 (0x656B1292)
Pointer Paramter3: 808544 (0xC5660)
Pointer Paramter4: (null)
Pointer Paramter5: 12367680 (0xBCB740)
After Call Parameters
Pointer Paramter0: 808544 (0xC5660)
Pointer Paramter1: 454720 (0x6F040)
Pointer Paramter2: 1701515922 (0x656B1292)
Pointer Paramter3: 808544 (0xC5660)
Pointer Paramter4: (null)
Pointer Paramter5: 12367680 (0xBCB740)
1 (0x1)