Registriert seit: 15. Dez 2002
Ort: Mittelfranken
980 Beiträge
Delphi 10 Seattle Enterprise
Re: Rave zeigt zur Laufzeit nichts an - die zweite
26. Nov 2006, 11:43
hiermit solltest Du weiterkommen:
* You must deploy database drivers you use, if you use IBX, IBO, or something native, none
* dbxconnections.ini is used by the engine to read connections configurations for DBX,IBX, IBO..., to obtain the file the engine will search at registry \Software\Borland\DBExpress the value 'Connection Registry File', first will search HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE if not found, will search HKEY_CURRENT_USER, if not found will search in the application directory for that file.
* If you use DBExpress you can include the following units in your project to disable the need of dlls.
Unit Dll
dbExpInt dbexpint.dll
dbExpOra dbexpora.dll
dbExpDb2 dbexpdb2.dll
dbExpMySQL dbexpmysql.dll
* You must deploy midas.dll or include midaslib unit in your project.
* Distribute the .manifest file of the executables so they will look with the XP theme