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Registriert seit: 21. Okt 2004
Ort: Eckenroth
426 Beiträge
Delphi 10.1 Berlin Enterprise

Re: Rave-Report :-( -> Fastreport

  Alt 21. Nov 2006, 23:06
Ich bin jetzt zwar noch nicht so weit gekommen, wie man MirrorSection am besten umsetzen kann, aber ich werde meine anderen fünf Reports aus dem Projekt in kürze auch noch auf Fastreport umstellen und mal sehen, was da noch machbar ist.

Noch eins möchte ich anmerken: Bei der ganzen Fehlersucherei habe ich das Web komplett auf dem Kopf gestellt und habe tatsächlich eine Beitrag gefunden wo jemand genau das selbe Problem hatte. Hatte ich in den Newsgroups von Nevrona gefunden.

Access violation with be6.5.2 vom 04-Jul-2006 in nevrona.public.rave.develper.delphi.rave
Upgrading to Rave BE6.5.2 I try to work with my application and upon
reaching - RvProject1.Execute get the EAccessViolation error. The designer
is opened correctly and everything seems as usual, I’ve even uninstalled and
reinstalled it, but it wont get over this error. I’m using D2006 sp2.

More details: I’ve found a backup of the ‘.rav’ file and copied it to the
application working dir. Everything worked again. I then opened it with the
report designer, saved it without doing any change, the error is now back.
This means the designer is doing something differently to the file that
coses this error. Any known issues? Any ideas? Any fixes?
Auf die Anfrage kam keine Antwort

und eine zweite

Errors and a Need in 6.5.2 BE vom 18-Oct-2006 in nevrona.public.rave.develper.delphi.code-based
I own 7.0.3 BEX but must do a 6.5.2 BE project. The following was placed in
the general newsgroup almost 2 weeks ago, but I received no responses:

Error #1. Attempt to delete a report produces a 'List index out of bounds'
or 'Access Violation' error when trying to run another report. If I have
saved project, it becomes useless.

Error #2. Cannot remove from report a page tab for a global page previously
referenced in report's page list, but no longer needed. If I delete global
page, tab does go away, but when I try to save project I get an Access
Violation error.

Help Needed. I have a second page series after first series completes, but
would like to make that 2nd optional if it has empty memo list, the only
data other than heading. Best I can
do so far is make page blank by setting page.visible false. Any way to omit
2nd page series entirely on-the-fly?

Thanks in advance.

David Pressman

> Error #1. Attempt to delete a report produces a 'List index out of bounds'
> or 'Access Violation' error when trying to run another report. If I have
> saved project, it becomes useless.

If you can reproduce this with the 7.0 BEX version then send us an example
and we will look at it. If there is a problem then the fix would go into
the 7.0 version as we are no longer working on any prior versions.

> Error #2. Cannot remove from report a page tab for a global page
> previously
> referenced in report's page list, but no longer needed. If I delete global
> page, tab does go away, but when I try to save project I get an Access
> Violation error.

Same answer as previously given. Send us an example 7.0 project that we can
use to reproduce this. Please send it to support@nevrona.com along with
your 7.0 serial number.

> Help Needed. I have a second page series after first series completes, but
> would like to make that 2nd optional if it has empty memo list, the only
> data other than heading. Best I can
> do so far is make page blank by setting page.visible false. Any way to
> omit
> 2nd page series entirely on-the-fly?

The latest 7.0.3 has methods for adding/deleting pages from the pagelist
through the Rave scripting.

Eldon Lewis
Nevrona Designs
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