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Registriert seit: 25. Aug 2005 Ort: Dresden 7 Beiträge |
Noch in der Entwicklung aber bereits jetzt schon sehr nützlich. Im Gegensatz zu meinen früheren Arbeiten auf diesem Gebiet, habe ich alle Filter/Effekte ins PixelFormat pf32bit umgeschrieben. Neu ist auch, das alle Filter/Effekte bis zum Rand arbeiten zb.: AntiAlias. Ich habe mich stark bemüht den Quellcode sehr Übersichtlich zuhalten, und hoffe ihr kommt damit klar. Hier die wichtigsten Fakten:
Die Filter/Effekte:
Die Unit:procedure doAntiAlias; procedure doInvert; procedure doColorNoise (Amount: Integer); procedure doMonoNoise (Amount: Integer); procedure doSpray (Amount: Integer); procedure doContrast (Amount: Integer); procedure doSemiOpaque (Color: TColor); procedure doGridOpaque (Color: TColor); procedure doEmboss (Color: TColor); procedure doColoring (Color: TColor; Percent: TPercent); procedure doColorFilter (Color: TColor); procedure doMaxColoring (Color: TColor); procedure doMinColoring (Color: TColor); procedure doMosaic (HSize,VSize: Integer); procedure doMatrix3x3 (Matrix: TMatrix3x3; Divider: Integer); procedure doMatrix5x5 (Matrix: TMatrix5x5; Divider: Integer); procedure doSplitBlur (Amount: Integer);
Für Anregungen
unit GW_ImagePlus;
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"` # ## ´*" ### ### *# ## *# "* #\ [UltimativeFreak]#. ,INC. 2005 ` .__________. ._________|##########|_________. .______ .____|###########[ INFO ]###########|____. ______. |######|___________|#[Unit: GW_ImagePlus.pas]##[17.09.2005]#|___________|######| |#V 2.0##################################################################V 2.0#| |##$$$#""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""#$$$##| |#$$# #$$#| |#$$# GW_ImagePlus.pas V2.0 Copyright (c) 2005 by Gothicware, Inc. #$$#| |#$$# written by UltimativeFreak E-mail: [email]gothicware@web.de[/email] #$$#| |#$$# #$$#| |#$$# Free use for non racialist and unexploiting Sofware!* #$$#| |#$$# *(as long you keep the full Copyright notice somewhere in your #$$#| |#$$# software manuel or readme file.) #$$#| |#$$# #$$#| |#$$# Use it at your own risk, with out any warranty! #$$#| |#$$# #$$#| |#$$# Please remember: #$$#| |#$$# Sofware is like Sex, it's better if it's FREE! ;-) #$$#| |#$$# #$$#| |#$$# Simpel use: #$$#| |#$$# - put it somewhere on your Form #$$#| |#$$# - edit the propertys #$$#| |#$$# - open some kind of an image (turn it to an bitmap) #$$#| |#$$# - call one of the effect procedures like: #$$#| |#$$# "GW_ImagePlus1.doInvert;" #$$#| |#$$# - get lucky! ;-) #$$#| |#$$# #$$#| ._|#$$# #$$#|_. |##############################################################################| |##############################################################################| °""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""° } interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls; type TMatrix3x3 = array [0..8] of Integer; TMatrix5x5 = array [0..24] of Integer; TMatrix9x9 = array [0..80] of Integer; TPercent = $00..$64; TDirection = (drLeft, drTop, drRight, drBottom, drLeftTop, drTopRight, drRightBottom, drBottomLeft); TGW_ImagePlus = class(TImage) private { Private-Deklarationen} protected { Protected-Deklarationen} constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; public { Public-Deklarationen} published { Published-Deklarationen } procedure doAntiAlias; procedure doInvert; procedure doColorNoise (Amount: Integer); procedure doMonoNoise (Amount: Integer); procedure doSpray (Amount: Integer); procedure doContrast (Amount: Integer); procedure doSemiOpaque (Color: TColor); procedure doGridOpaque (Color: TColor); procedure doEmboss (Color: TColor); procedure doColoring (Color: TColor; Percent: TPercent); procedure doColorFilter (Color: TColor); procedure doMaxColoring (Color: TColor); procedure doMinColoring (Color: TColor); procedure doMosaic (HSize,VSize: Integer); procedure doMatrix3x3 (Matrix: TMatrix3x3; Divider: Integer); procedure doMatrix5x5 (Matrix: TMatrix5x5; Divider: Integer); procedure doSplitBlur (Amount: Integer); end; procedure Register; implementation //{$R *.res} procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Gothicware', [TGW_ImagePlus]); end; constructor TGW_ImagePlus.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); Width := 160; Height := 120; Center := true; Hint := 'Delphi Unit TGW_ImagePlus'#10#13'(c) Copyright 2004 - 2005 by Gothicware, Inc.'; ShowHint := true; end; function min(a,b:Integer):Integer; asm CMP EAX,b JG @HIA RET @HIA: MOV EAX,b RET end; function max(a,b:Integer):Integer; asm CMP EAX,b JL @HIB RET @HIB: MOV EAX,b RET end; function IntToByte(i:Integer):Byte; asm MOV EAX,i CMP EAX,254 JG @SETHI CMP EAX,1 JL @SETLO RET @SETHI: MOV EAX,255 RET @SETLO: MOV EAX,0 end; procedure _Invert(var src: TBitmap); var i:Integer; p:PInteger; begin src.PixelFormat:=pf32bit; p:= src.Scanline[Pred(src.Height)]; for i:=1 to src.Width*src.Height do begin p^:= not p^; Inc(p); end; end; procedure _Matrix3x3(src:TBitmap; matrix: TMatrix3x3; Divider: Word); var p,p0,p1,p2: PByteArray; x,y,c,z: Integer; tmp0,tmp1: TBitmap; begin z:= Divider; if z = 0 then Inc(z); tmp0:= TBitmap.Create; tmp1:= TBitmap.Create; src.PixelFormat:= pf32bit; tmp0.PixelFormat:= pf32bit; tmp1.PixelFormat:= pf32bit; tmp0.Width:= src.Width +2; tmp0.Height:= src.Height+2; tmp1.Width:= src.Width +2; tmp1.Height:= src.Height+2; tmp0.Canvas.StretchDraw(Rect(0,0,tmp0.Width,tmp0.Height),src); tmp0.Canvas.Draw(1,1,src); tmp1.Canvas.Draw(0,0,tmp0); for y := 1 to tmp0.Height - 2 do begin p := tmp1.ScanLine[y+0]; p0 := tmp0.ScanLine[y-1]; p1 := tmp0.ScanLine[y+0]; p2 := tmp0.ScanLine[y+1]; for x := 1 to (tmp0.Width - 2) do for c := 0 to 3 do begin p[((x)*4)+c] := IntToByte(round(( (p0[((x-1)*4)+c] * matrix[0]) + (p0[((x)*4)+c] * matrix[1]) + (p0[((x+1)*4)+c] * matrix[2]) + (p1[((x-1)*4)+c] * matrix[3]) + (p1[((x)*4)+c] * matrix[4]) + (p1[((x+1)*4)+c] * matrix[5]) + (p2[((x-1)*4)+c] * matrix[6]) + (p2[((x)*4)+c] * matrix[7]) + (p2[((x+1)*4)+c] * matrix[8])) / z)); end; end; src.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(0,0,src.Width,src.Height),tmp1.Canvas,Rect(1,1,src.Width,src.Height)); tmp0.Free; tmp1.Free; end; procedure _Matrix5x5(src:TBitmap; matrix: TMatrix5x5; Divider: Word); var p,p0,p1,p2,p3,p4: PByteArray; x,y,c,z: Integer; tmp0,tmp1: TBitmap; begin z:= Divider; if z = 0 then Inc(z); tmp0:= TBitmap.Create; tmp1:= TBitmap.Create; src.PixelFormat:= pf32bit; tmp0.PixelFormat:= pf32bit; tmp1.PixelFormat:= pf32bit; tmp0.Width:= src.Width +4; tmp0.Height:= src.Height+4; tmp1.Width:= src.Width +4; tmp1.Height:= src.Height+4; tmp0.Canvas.StretchDraw(Rect(0,0,tmp0.Width,tmp0.Height),src); // not the best, but easy tmp0.Canvas.Draw(1,1,src); tmp1.Canvas.Draw(0,0,tmp0); for y := 2 to tmp0.Height - 3 do begin p := tmp1.ScanLine[y+0]; p0 := tmp0.ScanLine[y-2]; p1 := tmp0.ScanLine[y-1]; p2 := tmp0.ScanLine[y+0]; p3 := tmp0.ScanLine[y+1]; p4 := tmp0.ScanLine[y+2]; for x := 2 to (tmp0.Width - 3) do for c := 0 to 3 do begin p[((x)*4)+c] := IntToByte(round(( (p0[((x-2)*4)+c] * matrix[00]) + (p0[((x-1)*4)+c] * matrix[01]) + (p0[((x)*4)+c] * matrix[02]) + (p0[((x+1)*4)+c] * matrix[03]) + (p0[((x+2)*4)+c] * matrix[04]) + (p1[((x-2)*4)+c] * matrix[05]) + (p1[((x-1)*4)+c] * matrix[06]) + (p1[((x)*4)+c] * matrix[07]) + (p1[((x+1)*4)+c] * matrix[08]) + (p1[((x+2)*4)+c] * matrix[09]) + (p2[((x-2)*4)+c] * matrix[10]) + (p2[((x-1)*4)+c] * matrix[11]) + (p2[((x)*4)+c] * matrix[12]) + (p2[((x+1)*4)+c] * matrix[13]) + (p2[((x+2)*4)+c] * matrix[14]) + (p3[((x-2)*4)+c] * matrix[15]) + (p3[((x-1)*4)+c] * matrix[16]) + (p3[((x)*4)+c] * matrix[17]) + (p3[((x+1)*4)+c] * matrix[18]) + (p3[((x+2)*4)+c] * matrix[19]) + (p4[((x-2)*4)+c] * matrix[20]) + (p4[((x-1)*4)+c] * matrix[21]) + (p4[((x)*4)+c] * matrix[22]) + (p4[((x+1)*4)+c] * matrix[23]) + (p4[((x+2)*4)+c] * matrix[24])) / z)); end; end; src.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(0,0,src.Width,src.Height),tmp1.Canvas,Rect(2,2,src.Width,src.Height)); tmp0.Free; tmp1.Free; end; procedure _AntiAlias(var src: TBitmap); var i,x,y,gwc:Integer; p0,p1,p2:PByteArray; begin src.PixelFormat:=pf32bit; for y:= 0 to src.Height-1 do for x:= 0 to src.Width-1 do begin if y > 0 then p0:= src.Scanline[y-1] else p0:= src.Scanline[y]; p1:= src.Scanline[y]; if y < src.Height -1 then p2:= src.Scanline[y+1] else p2:= src.Scanline[y]; for gwc:= 0 to 3 do begin if (x > 0) and (x < src.Width -1) then p1[x*4+gwc]:= (p1[x*4+gwc] + p1[(x-1)*4+gwc] + p1[(x+1)*4+gwc] + p0[x*4+gwc] + p2[x*4+gwc]) div 5; if (x = 0) then p1[x*4+gwc]:= (p1[x*4+gwc] + p1[(x)*4+gwc] + p1[(x+1)*4+gwc] + p0[x*4+gwc] + p2[x*4+gwc]) div 5; if (x = src.Width-1) then p1[x*4+gwc]:= (p1[x*4+gwc] + p1[(x-1)*4+gwc] + p1[(x)*4+gwc] + p0[x*4+gwc] + p2[x*4+gwc]) div 5; end; end; end; procedure _ColorNoise(var src: TBitmap; Amount: Integer); var i:Integer; p:PInteger; begin src.PixelFormat:=pf32bit; p:= src.Scanline[Pred(src.Height)]; for i:=1 to src.Width*src.Height do begin p^:= rgb(IntToByte(getRvalue(p^)+(Random(Amount)-(Amount shr 1))), IntToByte(getGvalue(p^)+(Random(Amount)-(Amount shr 1))), IntToByte(getBvalue(p^)+(Random(Amount)-(Amount shr 1)))); Inc(p); end; end; procedure _MonoNoise(var src: TBitmap; Amount: Integer); var i,m:Integer; p:PInteger; begin src.PixelFormat:=pf32bit; p:= src.Scanline[Pred(src.Height)]; for i:=1 to src.Width*src.Height do begin m:= (Random(Amount)-(Amount shr 1)); p^:= rgb(IntToByte(getRvalue(p^)+m), IntToByte(getGvalue(p^)+m), IntToByte(getBvalue(p^)+m)); Inc(p); end; end; procedure _Spray(var src: TBitmap; Amount: Integer); var p0,p1:PByteArray; newx,newy,oldx,oldy,w,h,val: Integer; begin src.PixelFormat:=pf32bit; h:=src.height; w:=src.Width; for newy:=0 to h-1 do for newx:=0 to w-1 do begin val:= Random(Amount); oldx:=newx+val-Random(val*2); oldy:=newy+val-Random(val*2); if (oldx>-1) and (oldx<w) and (oldy>-1) and (oldy<h) then begin p0:= src.Scanline[newy]; p1:= src.Scanline[oldy]; p0[newx*4]:= p1[oldx*4]; p0[newx*4+1]:= p1[oldx*4+1]; p0[newx*4+2]:= p1[oldx*4+2]; p0[newx*4+3]:= p1[oldx*4+3]; end; end; end; procedure _Contrast(var src: TBitmap; Amount: Integer); var i,m:Integer; r,g,b:Byte; p:PInteger; begin src.PixelFormat:=pf32bit; p:= src.Scanline[Pred(src.Height)]; for i:=1 to src.Width*src.Height do begin if getRvalue(p^) > 127 then r:= IntToByte(getRvalue(p^)+Amount) else r:= IntToByte(getRvalue(p^)-Amount); if getGvalue(p^) > 127 then g:= IntToByte(getGvalue(p^)+Amount) else g:= IntToByte(getGvalue(p^)-Amount); if getBvalue(p^) > 127 then b:= IntToByte(getBvalue(p^)+Amount) else b:= IntToByte(getBvalue(p^)-Amount); p^:= rgb(r,g,b); Inc(p); end; end; procedure _SemiOpaque(src:Tbitmap; Color:TColor); var x,y:Integer; p:PInteger; begin src.PixelFormat:=pf32bit; p:= src.Scanline[Pred(src.Height)]; for y:=1 to src.Height do for x:=1 to src.Width do begin if ((x+0 mod 2) = 0) and ((y mod 2) = 0) then p^:= Color; if ((x+1 mod 2) = 0) and ((y mod 2) <> 0) then p^:= Color; Inc(p); end; end; procedure _GridOpaque(src:Tbitmap; Color:TColor); var x,y:Integer; p:PInteger; begin src.PixelFormat:=pf32bit; p:= src.Scanline[Pred(src.Height)]; for y:=1 to src.Height do for x:=1 to src.Width do begin if ((x+0 mod 2) = 0) and ((y mod 2) = 0) then p^:= p^ else if ((x+1 mod 2) = 0) and ((y mod 2) <> 0) then p^:= p^ else p^:= Color; Inc(p); end; end; procedure _Emboss(var src:TBitmap; Color:TColor); var x,y,i: Integer; p0,p1: PByteArray; begin src.PixelFormat:= pf32bit; for i:=0 to src.Height-2 do begin p0:=src.Scanline[i]; p1:=src.Scanline[i+1]; for x:=0 to src.Width-4 do begin p0[x*4+0] :=(p0[x*4+0] +(p1[(x+3)*4+0] xor getRvalue(Color)))shr 1; p0[x*4+1] :=(p0[x*4+1] +(p1[(x+3)*4+1] xor getGvalue(Color)))shr 1; p0[x*4+2] :=(p0[x*4+2] +(p1[(x+3)*4+2] xor getBvalue(Color)))shr 1; end; for x:=src.Width-3 to src.Width-1 do begin p0[x*4+0] :=(p0[x*4+0] +(p1[(x)*4+0] xor getRvalue(Color)))shr 1; p0[x*4+1] :=(p0[x*4+1] +(p1[(x)*4+1] xor getGvalue(Color)))shr 1; p0[x*4+2] :=(p0[x*4+2] +(p1[(x)*4+2] xor getBvalue(Color)))shr 1; end; end; p0:=src.scanline[src.Height-1]; p1:=src.scanline[src.Height-2]; for x:=0 to src.Width-4 do begin p0[x*4+0] :=(p0[x*4+0] +(p1[(x+3)*4+0] xor getRvalue(Color)))shr 1; p0[x*4+1] :=(p0[x*4+1] +(p1[(x+3)*4+1] xor getGvalue(Color)))shr 1; p0[x*4+2] :=(p0[x*4+2] +(p1[(x+3)*4+2] xor getBvalue(Color)))shr 1; end; for x:=src.Width-3 to src.Width-1 do begin p0[x*4+0] :=(p0[x*4+0] +(p1[(x)*4+0] xor getRvalue(Color)))shr 1; p0[x*4+1] :=(p0[x*4+1] +(p1[(x)*4+1] xor getGvalue(Color)))shr 1; p0[x*4+2] :=(p0[x*4+2] +(p1[(x)*4+2] xor getBvalue(Color)))shr 1; end; end; procedure _Coloring(var src: TBitmap; Color: TColor; Percent: TPercent); var i,rest:Integer; p:PInteger; r,g,b:Byte; begin src.PixelFormat:=pf32bit; p:= src.Scanline[Pred(src.Height)]; rest:= 101-Percent; for i:=1 to src.Width*src.Height do begin r:= IntToByte(round(((getRvalue(p^)*rest) + (getBvalue(Color)*Percent))/ 100)); g:= IntToByte(round(((getGvalue(p^)*rest) + (getGvalue(Color)*Percent))/ 100)); b:= IntToByte(round(((getBvalue(p^)*rest) + (getRvalue(Color)*Percent))/ 100)); p^:= rgb(r,g,b); Inc(p); end; end; procedure _ColorFilter(var src: TBitmap; Color: TColor); var i:Integer; p:PInteger; r,g,b,gray:Byte; begin src.PixelFormat:=pf32bit; p:= src.Scanline[Pred(src.Height)]; for i:=1 to src.Width*src.Height do begin r:= getRvalue(p^); g:= getGvalue(p^); b:= getBvalue(p^); gray:= (r+g+b)div 3; r:= round(r/100*(100/255*getBvalue(Color))); g:= round(g/100*(100/255*getGvalue(Color))); b:= round(b/100*(100/255*getRvalue(Color))); p^:= rgb(r,g,b); Inc(p); end; end; procedure _MaxColoring(var src: TBitmap; Color: TColor); var i:Integer; p:PInteger; r,g,b:Byte; begin src.PixelFormat:=pf32bit; p:= src.Scanline[Pred(src.Height)]; for i:=1 to src.Width*src.Height do begin r:= max(getRvalue(p^),getBvalue(Color)); g:= max(getGvalue(p^),getGvalue(Color)); b:= max(getBvalue(p^),getRvalue(Color)); p^:= rgb(r,g,b); Inc(p); end; end; procedure _MinColoring(var src: TBitmap; Color: TColor); var i:Integer; p:PInteger; r,g,b:Byte; begin src.PixelFormat:=pf32bit; p:= src.Scanline[Pred(src.Height)]; for i:=1 to src.Width*src.Height do begin r:= min(getRvalue(p^),getBvalue(Color)); g:= min(getGvalue(p^),getGvalue(Color)); b:= min(getBvalue(p^),getRvalue(Color)); p^:= rgb(r,g,b); Inc(p); end; end; procedure _Mosaic(var src: TBitmap; HSize,VSize: Integer); var x,y,i,j,hs,vs:Integer; p0,p1:PByteArray; r,g,b:Byte; begin src.PixelFormat:=pf32bit; hs:= max(min(HSize,src.Width),0); vs:= max(min(VSize,src.Height),0); if (hs<1) then exit; if (vs<1) then exit; y:=0; repeat p0:=src.scanline[y]; x:=0; repeat j:=1; repeat p1:=src.scanline[y]; x:=0; repeat r:=p0[x*4+0]; g:=p0[x*4+1]; b:=p0[x*4+2]; i:=1; repeat p1[x*4+0]:=r; p1[x*4+1]:=g; p1[x*4+2]:=b; inc(x); inc(i); until (x>=src.width) or (i>hs); until x>=src.width; inc(j); inc(y); until (y>=src.height) or (j>vs); until (y>=src.height) or (x>=src.width); until y>=src.height; end; procedure _SplitBlur(var src: TBitmap; Amount: Integer); var p0,p1,p2:PByteArray; cx,i,x,y: Integer; Buf: array[0..3,0..2]of Byte; begin src.PixelFormat:=pf32bit; if Amount=0 then Exit; for y:=0 to src.Height-1 do begin p0:=src.scanline[y]; if (y-Amount) < 0 then p1:= src.ScanLine[y] else p1:= src.ScanLine[y-Amount]; if (y+Amount) < src.Height then p2:= src.ScanLine[y+Amount] else p2:=src.ScanLine[src.Height-y]; for x:=0 to src.Width-1 do begin if (x-Amount) < 0 then cx:= x else cx:= x-Amount; Buf[0,0]:=p1[cx*4+0]; Buf[0,1]:=p1[cx*4+1]; Buf[0,2]:=p1[cx*4+2]; Buf[1,0]:=p2[cx*4+0]; Buf[1,1]:=p2[cx*4+1]; Buf[1,2]:=p2[cx*4+2]; if (x+Amount) < src.Width then cx:=x+Amount else cx:= src.Width-x; Buf[2,0]:=p1[cx*4+0]; Buf[2,1]:=p1[cx*4+1]; Buf[2,2]:=p1[cx*4+2]; Buf[3,0]:=p2[cx*4+0]; Buf[3,1]:=p2[cx*4+1]; Buf[3,2]:=p2[cx*4+2]; p0[x*4+0]:=(Buf[0,0]+Buf[1,0]+Buf[2,0]+Buf[3,0])shr 2; p0[x*4+1]:=(Buf[0,1]+Buf[1,1]+Buf[2,1]+Buf[3,1])shr 2; p0[x*4+2]:=(Buf[0,2]+Buf[1,2]+Buf[2,2]+Buf[3,2])shr 2; end; end; end; //--------------------------------------------------------------------> //-----------------------> Regstrierte Prozeduren <-------------------> //--------------------------------------------------------------------> procedure TGW_ImagePlus.doAntiAlias; var tmpBmp: TBitmap; oldPf: TPixelFormat; begin tmpBmp:= TBitmap.Create; tmpBmp.Assign(Picture.Bitmap); oldPf:= tmpBmp.PixelFormat; _AntiAlias(tmpBmp); tmpBmp.PixelFormat:= oldPf; Picture.Bitmap.Assign(tmpBmp); tmpBmp.Free; Invalidate; end; procedure TGW_ImagePlus.doInvert; var tmpBmp: TBitmap; oldPf: TPixelFormat; begin tmpBmp:= TBitmap.Create; tmpBmp.Assign(Picture.Bitmap); oldPf:= tmpBmp.PixelFormat; _Invert(tmpBmp); tmpBmp.PixelFormat:= oldPf; Picture.Bitmap.Assign(tmpBmp); tmpBmp.Free; Invalidate; end; procedure TGW_ImagePlus.doColorNoise(Amount: Integer); var tmpBmp: TBitmap; oldPf: TPixelFormat; begin tmpBmp:= TBitmap.Create; tmpBmp.Assign(Picture.Bitmap); oldPf:= tmpBmp.PixelFormat; _ColorNoise(tmpBmp, Amount); tmpBmp.PixelFormat:= oldPf; Picture.Bitmap.Assign(tmpBmp); tmpBmp.Free; Invalidate; end; procedure TGW_ImagePlus.doMonoNoise(Amount: Integer); var tmpBmp: TBitmap; oldPf: TPixelFormat; begin tmpBmp:= TBitmap.Create; tmpBmp.Assign(Picture.Bitmap); oldPf:= tmpBmp.PixelFormat; _MonoNoise(tmpBmp, Amount); tmpBmp.PixelFormat:= oldPf; Picture.Bitmap.Assign(tmpBmp); tmpBmp.Free; Invalidate; end; procedure TGW_ImagePlus.doSpray(Amount: Integer); var tmpBmp: TBitmap; oldPf: TPixelFormat; begin tmpBmp:= TBitmap.Create; tmpBmp.Assign(Picture.Bitmap); oldPf:= tmpBmp.PixelFormat; if Amount > 0 then _Spray(tmpBmp, Amount) else _Spray(tmpBmp, Amount * -1); tmpBmp.PixelFormat:= oldPf; Picture.Bitmap.Assign(tmpBmp); tmpBmp.Free; Invalidate; end; procedure TGW_ImagePlus.doContrast(Amount: Integer); var tmpBmp: TBitmap; oldPf: TPixelFormat; begin tmpBmp:= TBitmap.Create; tmpBmp.Assign(Picture.Bitmap); oldPf:= tmpBmp.PixelFormat; _Contrast(tmpBmp, Amount); tmpBmp.PixelFormat:= oldPf; Picture.Bitmap.Assign(tmpBmp); tmpBmp.Free; Invalidate; end; procedure TGW_ImagePlus.doSemiOpaque(Color: TColor); var tmpBmp: TBitmap; oldPf: TPixelFormat; begin tmpBmp:= TBitmap.Create; tmpBmp.Assign(Picture.Bitmap); oldPf:= tmpBmp.PixelFormat; _SemiOpaque(tmpBmp, Color); tmpBmp.PixelFormat:= oldPf; Picture.Bitmap.Assign(tmpBmp); Picture.Bitmap.TransparentColor:= Color; Picture.Bitmap.TransparentMode:= tmFixed; Transparent:= true; tmpBmp.Free; Invalidate; end; procedure TGW_ImagePlus.doGridOpaque(Color: TColor); var tmpBmp: TBitmap; oldPf: TPixelFormat; begin tmpBmp:= TBitmap.Create; tmpBmp.Assign(Picture.Bitmap); oldPf:= tmpBmp.PixelFormat; _GridOpaque(tmpBmp, Color); tmpBmp.PixelFormat:= oldPf; Picture.Bitmap.Assign(tmpBmp); Picture.Bitmap.TransparentColor:= Color; Picture.Bitmap.TransparentMode:= tmFixed; Transparent:= true; tmpBmp.Free; Invalidate; end; procedure TGW_ImagePlus.doEmboss(Color: TColor); var tmpBmp: TBitmap; oldPf: TPixelFormat; begin tmpBmp:= TBitmap.Create; tmpBmp.Assign(Picture.Bitmap); oldPf:= tmpBmp.PixelFormat; _Emboss(tmpBmp,Color); tmpBmp.PixelFormat:= oldPf; Picture.Bitmap.Assign(tmpBmp); tmpBmp.Free; Invalidate; end; procedure TGW_ImagePlus.doColoring(Color: TColor; Percent: TPercent); var tmpBmp: TBitmap; oldPf: TPixelFormat; begin tmpBmp:= TBitmap.Create; tmpBmp.Assign(Picture.Bitmap); oldPf:= tmpBmp.PixelFormat; _Coloring(tmpBmp,Color,Percent); tmpBmp.PixelFormat:= oldPf; Picture.Bitmap.Assign(tmpBmp); tmpBmp.Free; Invalidate; end; procedure TGW_ImagePlus.doColorFilter(Color: TColor); var tmpBmp: TBitmap; oldPf: TPixelFormat; begin tmpBmp:= TBitmap.Create; tmpBmp.Assign(Picture.Bitmap); oldPf:= tmpBmp.PixelFormat; _ColorFilter(tmpBmp,Color); tmpBmp.PixelFormat:= oldPf; Picture.Bitmap.Assign(tmpBmp); tmpBmp.Free; Invalidate; end; procedure TGW_ImagePlus.doMaxColoring(Color: TColor); var tmpBmp: TBitmap; oldPf: TPixelFormat; begin tmpBmp:= TBitmap.Create; tmpBmp.Assign(Picture.Bitmap); oldPf:= tmpBmp.PixelFormat; _MaxColoring(tmpBmp,Color); tmpBmp.PixelFormat:= oldPf; Picture.Bitmap.Assign(tmpBmp); tmpBmp.Free; Invalidate; end; procedure TGW_ImagePlus.doMinColoring(Color: TColor); var tmpBmp: TBitmap; oldPf: TPixelFormat; begin tmpBmp:= TBitmap.Create; tmpBmp.Assign(Picture.Bitmap); oldPf:= tmpBmp.PixelFormat; _MinColoring(tmpBmp,Color); tmpBmp.PixelFormat:= oldPf; Picture.Bitmap.Assign(tmpBmp); tmpBmp.Free; Invalidate; end; procedure TGW_ImagePlus.doMosaic(HSize,VSize: Integer); var tmpBmp: TBitmap; oldPf: TPixelFormat; begin tmpBmp:= TBitmap.Create; tmpBmp.Assign(Picture.Bitmap); oldPf:= tmpBmp.PixelFormat; _Mosaic(tmpBmp,HSize,VSize); tmpBmp.PixelFormat:= oldPf; Picture.Bitmap.Assign(tmpBmp); tmpBmp.Free; Invalidate; end; procedure TGW_ImagePlus.doMatrix3x3(Matrix: TMatrix3x3; Divider: Integer); var tmpBMP : TBitmap; oldPf: TPixelFormat; begin tmpBmp:= TBitmap.Create; tmpBmp.Assign(Picture.Bitmap); oldPf:= tmpBmp.PixelFormat; _Matrix3x3(tmpBmp ,Matrix,Divider); tmpBmp.PixelFormat:= oldPf; Picture.Bitmap.Assign(tmpBmp); tmpBmp.Free; Invalidate; end; procedure TGW_ImagePlus.doMatrix5x5(Matrix: TMatrix5x5; Divider: Integer); var tmpBMP : TBitmap; oldPf: TPixelFormat; begin tmpBmp:= TBitmap.Create; tmpBmp.Assign(Picture.Bitmap); oldPf:= tmpBmp.PixelFormat; _Matrix5x5(tmpBmp ,Matrix,Divider); tmpBmp.PixelFormat:= oldPf; Picture.Bitmap.Assign(tmpBmp); tmpBmp.Free; Invalidate; end; procedure TGW_ImagePlus.doSplitBlur(Amount: Integer); var tmpBmp: TBitmap; oldPf: TPixelFormat; begin tmpBmp:= TBitmap.Create; tmpBmp.Assign(Picture.Bitmap); oldPf:= tmpBmp.PixelFormat; if Amount > 0 then _SplitBlur(tmpBmp, Amount) else _SplitBlur(tmpBmp, Amount * -1); tmpBmp.PixelFormat:= oldPf; Picture.Bitmap.Assign(tmpBmp); tmpBmp.Free; Invalidate; end; end. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung. Wenn jemand lust hat ein Demo-Prog zuschreiben, mitzuwirken oder diese Unit in seinem Prog verwenden will, bitte eine PM an mich. Danke und viel Spass, Gothicware, Inc.
Sometimes i think there must be a dolphin in delphi!?
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Registriert seit: 21. Jun 2004 Ort: Berlin 1.067 Beiträge Delphi 7 Architect |
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früheren Arbeiten auf diesem Gebiet, habe ich alle Filter/Effekte ins PixelFormat pf32bit umgeschrieben. sachen in 16 bit und 32 bit treiberaufloesung funzen ok viellciht nach un 24 bit für ati juenger oder ist mit pixelformat was anderes gemeint, als die interne darstellung der pixel bei verschiedenen farbtiefen? Gruß Richard
mfG Richard
Cimmams schrieb "das einzige was an ArmA gut ist, ist die Grafik bis 100m und der Rest ist so unreal wie unsere Demokratie." |
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richard_boderich |
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Registriert seit: 25. Aug 2005 Ort: Dresden 7 Beiträge |
![]() mit welchem pixelformat arbeitet denn dann deine alte unit? mir waere wichtig, das solche sachen in 16 bit und 32 bit treiberaufloesung funzen ok viellciht nach un 24 bit für ati juenger Meine alte Unit lief nur mit pf24bit, was auf der einen Seite etwas einfacher war. Damit keine alt zu Grossen Probleme mit unterschiedlichen PixelFormaten auftretten, speichere ich das alte PixelFormat voher und stelle es nach durchführung des Filters wieder her. So das der Benutzer sich selber garnicht um das Pixelformat im goben kümmern muss. Später wird ventuell noch ein ColorManagement und ein Paletten Option kommen.
Sometimes i think there must be a dolphin in delphi!?
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