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Registriert seit: 30. Nov 2005
Ort: München
5.777 Beiträge
Delphi 10.4 Sydney

Re: TImage ruckelfrei verschieben

  Alt 29. Aug 2006, 15:51
Hilft Dir das ein wenig weiter?

Determines whether the control’s image is rendered directly to the window or painted to an in-memory bitmap first.

property DoubleBuffered: Boolean;


When DoubleBuffered is False, the windowed control paints itself directly to the window. When DoubleBuffered is True, the windowed control paints itself to an in-memory bitmap that is then used to paint the window. Double buffering reduces the amount of flicker when the control repaints, but is more memory intensive.

When a windowed control is a dock site and has an associated dock manager, it must be double-buffered

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