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ich habe leider keine bessere Funktion dazu gefunden, es wäre schön, wenn jemand die Routine näher testen könnte. Demo liegt bei:
function HTML2Char(const s: String): Char;
var i: Integer; begin Result := #0; if s <> '' then begin i := Length(s); if (i > 1) and (i < 7) then begin if s = 'quot' then Result := '"'; if s = 'amp' then Result := '&'; if s = 'lt' then Result := '<'; if s = 'gt' then Result := '>'; if s = 'nbsp' then Result := #32; if s = 'iexcl' then Result := '¡'; if s = 'cent' then Result := '¢'; if s = 'pound' then Result := '£'; if s = 'curren' then Result := '¤'; if s = 'yen' then Result := '¥'; if s = 'brvbar' then Result := '¦'; if s = 'sect' then Result := '§'; if s = 'uml' then Result := '¨'; if s = 'copy' then Result := '©'; if s = 'ordf' then Result := 'ª'; if s = 'laquo' then Result := '«'; if s = 'not' then Result := '¬'; if s = 'shy' then Result := '*'; if s = 'reg' then Result := '®'; if s = 'macr' then Result := '¯'; if s = 'deg' then Result := '°'; if s = 'plusmn' then Result := '±'; if s = 'sup2' then Result := '²'; if s = 'sup3' then Result := '³'; if s = 'acute' then Result := '´'; if s = 'micro' then Result := 'µ'; if s = 'para' then Result := '¶'; if s = 'middot' then Result := '·'; if s = 'cedil' then Result := '¸'; if s = 'sup1' then Result := '¹'; if s = 'ordm' then Result := 'º'; if s = 'raquo' then ResulT := '»'; if s = 'frac14' then Result := '¼'; if s = 'frac12' then Result := '½'; if s = 'frac34' then Result := '¾'; if s = 'iquest' then Result := '¿'; if s = 'Agrave' then Result := 'À'; if s = 'Aacute' then Result := 'Á'; if s = 'Acirc' then Result := 'Â'; if s = 'Atilde' then Result := 'Ã'; if s = 'Auml' then Result := 'Ä'; if s = 'Aring' then Result := 'Å'; if s = 'Aelig' then Result := 'Æ'; if s = 'Ccedil' then Result := 'Ç'; if s = 'Egrave' then Result := 'È'; if s = 'Eacute' then Result := 'É'; if s = 'Ecirc' then Result := 'Ê'; if s = 'Euml' then Result := 'Ë'; if s = 'Igrave' then Result := 'Ì'; if s = 'Iacute' then Result := 'Í'; if s = 'Icirc' then Result := 'Î'; if s = 'Iuml' then Result := 'Ï'; if s = 'Eth' then Result := 'Ð'; if s = 'Ntilde' then Result := 'Ñ'; if s = 'Ograve' then Result := 'Ò'; if s = 'Oacute' then Result := 'Ó'; if s = 'Ocirc' then Result := 'Ô'; if s = 'Otilde' then Result := 'Õ'; if s = 'Ouml' then Result := 'Ö'; if s = 'times' then Result := '×'; if s = 'Oslash' then Result := 'Ø'; if s = 'Ugrave' then Result := 'Ù'; if s = 'Uacute' then Result := 'Ú'; if s = 'Ucirc' then Result := 'Û'; if s = 'Uuml' then Result := 'Ü'; if s = 'Yacute' then Result := 'Ý'; if s = 'thorn' then Result := 'Þ'; if s = 'szlig' then Result := 'ß'; if s = 'agrave' then Result := 'à'; if s = 'aacute' then Result := 'á'; if s = 'acirc' then Result := 'â'; if s = 'atilde' then Result := 'ã'; if s = 'auml' then Result := 'ä'; if s = 'aring' then Result := 'å'; if s = 'aelig' then Result := 'æ'; if s = 'ccedil' then Result := 'ç'; if s = 'egrave' then Result := 'è'; if s = 'eacute' then Result := 'é'; if s = 'ecirc' then Result := 'ê'; if s = 'euml' then Result := 'ë'; if s = 'igrave' then Result := 'ì'; if s = 'iacute' then Result := 'í'; if s = 'icirc' then Result := 'î'; if s = 'iuml' then Result := 'ï'; if s = 'eth' then Result := 'ð'; if s = 'ntilde' then Result := 'ñ'; if s = 'ograve' then Result := 'ò'; if s = 'oacute' then Result := 'ó'; if s = 'ocirc' then Result := 'ô'; if s = 'otilde' then Result := 'õ'; if s = 'ouml' then Result := 'ö'; if s = 'divide' then Result := '÷'; if s = 'oslash' then Result := 'ø'; if s = 'ugrave' then Result := 'ù'; if s = 'uacute' then Result := 'ú'; if s = 'ucirc' then Result := 'û'; if s = 'uuml' then Result := 'ü'; if s = 'yacute' then Result := 'ý'; if s = 'thorn' then Result := 'þ'; if s = 'yuml' then Result := 'ÿ'; end; end; end; function HTML2Text(const HTML: String): String; const Forbidden: Set of Char = [#0, #10, #13, '&']; var i, p, f, d: Integer; var s, HtmlSymbol: String; var HtmlChar: Char; begin Result := ''; i := 0; p := 1; d := 0; if HTML <> '' then begin SetLength(s, Length(HTML) + 1); repeat inc(i); if HTML[i] = '<' then begin for f := p to i -1 do begin inc(d); s[d] := HTML[f]; end; repeat inc(i); until (HTML[i] = #0) or (HTML[i] = '>'); p := i + 1; end else begin p := i + 1; inc(d); s[d] := HTML[i]; end; until HTML[i] = #0; if s <> '' then begin // entferne HTML-Sonderzeichen SetLength(Result, Length(s) + 1); i := 0; d := 0; repeat inc(i); if s[i] = '&' then begin p := i; inc(i); repeat if s[i] = ';' then begin HtmlSymbol := Copy( s, p + 1, i - p - 1); HtmlChar := HTML2Char(HtmlSymbol); if HtmlChar <> #0 then begin // HTML-Sonderzeichen for f := p to i - (Length(HtmlSymbol) + 3) do // Kopiere begin inc(d); Result[d] := s[f]; end; inc(d); Result[d] := HtmlChar; // Ersetze end else begin // kein HTML-Sonderzeichen for f := p to i -1 do begin inc(d); Result[d] := s[f]; end; end; Break; end; inc(i); until s[i] in Forbidden; end else begin inc(d); Result[d] := s[i]; end; until s[i] = #0; end; // s <> '' end; end; Danke Matze ![]() Ein Leerzeichen ist nicht #8 sondern #32. 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