Thema: Delphi RGB -> Bitmap

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Neutral General

Registriert seit: 16. Jan 2004
Ort: Bendorf
5.219 Beiträge
Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Professional

Re: RGB -> Bitmap

  Alt 11. Aug 2006, 15:38
     SetLength(TGAInfo.Picture, TGAInfo.Header.Width, TGAInfo.Header.Height);
  if TGAInfo.Header.PictureFormat in [1..3] then
   for j:= 0 to TGAInfo.Header.Height-1 do begin
    for i:= 0 to TGAInfo.Header.Width-1 do begin
     AStream.Read(TGAInfo.Picture[i,j].B, SizeOf(Byte));
     AStream.Read(TGAInfo.Picture[i,j].G, SizeOf(Byte));
     AStream.Read(TGAInfo.Picture[i,j].R, SizeOf(Byte));

    BmpStream := WriteBmpHeader(TGAInfo.Header.Width,TGAInfo.Header.Height,TGAInfo.Header.Bpp);
    for j:= 0 to TGAInfo.Header.Height-1 do begin
     for i:= 0 to TGAInfo.Header.Width-1 do begin
      with BmpStream do
     for i:= 0 to (4 - (j * 3) mod 4) - 1 do
    BmpStream.Read(FBitmap, BmpStream.Size);
// FBitmap.LoadFromStream(BmpStream); geht auch nicht

function WriteBmpHeader(Width,Height: Longword; bpp: Word): TMemoryStream;
const Null : Longword = 0;
      Dat1 : Word = $4D42;
      Dat2 : Longword = $EC4;
var lwTemp: Longword;
    wTemp : Word;
 Result := TMemoryStream.Create;
 with Result do
    lwTemp := 54;
    lwTemp := 40;
    wTemp := 1;
    Write(wTemp, SizeOf(Word));
    Write(NULL, SizeOf(Longword));
    Write(NULL, SizeOf(Longword));
    Write(Dat2, SizeOf(Longword));
    Write(NULL, SizeOf(Longword));
    Write(NULL, SizeOf(Longword));
Es gibt zwar keine AV aber ich bekomme auch nichts zu sehen

Neutral General
"Programmers talk about software development on weekends, vacations, and over meals not because they lack imagination,
but because their imagination reveals worlds that others cannot see."
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