Registriert seit: 23. Jul 2005
71 Beiträge
Delphi 10 Seattle Professional
Re: Zwei Bitmaps zusammenfügen
27. Jul 2005, 11:43
Hey, nicht so grob. Seid lieb zueinander
Ich habe inzwischen ein etwas älteres Tool Names "Picto" gefunden dass das für mich erledigt.
Falls bei jemand noch Interesse besteht hier der Link dazu.
Features: - Nice and user-friendly interface.
- View all (resource) bitmaps, cursors and icons in BMP, JPG, ICO, ANI, CUR, DLL, EXE, ICL, CPL, BPL, OCX, SCR, RES and DCR-files
- Properties window with all information about the current file and images (number of images, size, colorpalette, ...) displayed in a treeview.
- Save images as BMP/JPG (with different colorpalettes and compression).
- Save images as ICO with 16 or 256 colors (16x16, 32x32, 48x48).
- Edit images with a range of graphical effects (rotate, mirror, create disabled image, convert to greyscale, contrast and brightness, create bevel, color balance, soften and sharpen, emboss, add shadow, ... ) using a transparent color.
- The edit window also contains a small painting program to draw lines, rectangles, circles, ...
- Create a special glyph (=small bitmap for buttons) containing 2,3 or 4 images showing a status of a button (up, disabled, clicked, down). This glyph can be used for TSpeedbutton or TBitBtn components in Delphi or C++ Builder.
- Add images to a TImageList, change the order and set the properties. Afterwards this TImageList can be pasted in Delphi or C++Builder.
- Generate HTML pages to catalogue your images with hyperlinks.
- Resize or crop big bitmaps to the size of an icon.
- Capture a part of the screen with a fixed size (16x16, 20x20, 32x32, 48x48, ...).
- Change the background image of the desktop (tile, center, stretch).
- Change the system icons (my computer, recycle bin, printers, ....)
- Copy images to the clipboard as a bitmap, TBitBtn, TSpeedButton or TImage.
- Internal copy, move, delete, rename features for files.
- A lot of options for viewing images, organizing the interface, links to file paths, copying of Delphi/C++Builder components, links to external editors,
Ich hoffe die Werbung macht den Mod's nicht's aus.