MemCheck version 2.73
Exception: second release of block attempt, allocated at Module IdSchedulerOfThread.pas Routine @Idschedulerofthread@TIdSchedulerOfThread@NewYarn Line 246 Find error: 004C6593 - Already freed at (no debug info) Find error: 01FD8A34
Total leak: 68 bytes
*** MEMCHK: Blocks STILL allocated ***
Leak #0 Instance of TTimerThread
Size: 68
1 Occurence
call stack - 0 : Module Unit5.pas Routine @Unit5@TDiagnosticForm@Button2Click Line 792 Find error: 005DD02E
call stack - 1 : Routine @Controls@TControl@Click Find error: 00464A06
call stack - 2 : Routine @Menus@TMenuItem@Click Find error: 00475878
call stack - 3 : Routine @Controls@TWinControl@WndProc Find error: 004677B8
call stack - 4 : Routine @Controls@TWinControl@MainWndProc Find error: 00467433
call stack - 5 : Routine @Classes@StdWndProc Find error: 004270B6
call stack - 6 : (no debug info) Find error: 77D48730
call stack - 7 : (no debug info) Find error: 77D48812
call stack - 8 : (no debug info) Find error: 77D489C9
call stack - 9 : (no debug info) Find error: 77D496C3
call stack - 10 : Routine @Forms@TApplication@ProcessMessage Find error: 00483190
call stack - 11 : Module MITMonitor.dpr Routine initialization Line 21 Find error: 005F48FE
call stack - 12 : (no debug info) Find error: 7C816D4B
call stack - 13 : (no debug info) Find error: FFFFFFFC
*** MEMCHK: End of allocated blocks ***
*** MEMCHK: Chronological leak information ***
* Instance of TTimerThread (Leak #0) Size: 68
*** MEMCHK: End of chronological leak information ***
*** MEMCHK: Blocks written to after destruction ***
Bad blocks count: 0
*** MEMCHK: End of blocks written to after destruction ***