ich will nun kein neues thema deswegen aufmachen, aber kann mir jemand die definitionen von drawrotate erklären?
DXImageList1.Items[0].DrawRotate(DXDraw1.Surface, 100, 100, 100, 50, 0, 0, 0, r);
was DXDraw1.Surface bewirkt ist mir klar, aber was danach folgt ist mir unklar (besonders dieses r)
edit: hat sich erledigt
habe folgendes per google gefunden
Found this cool site that explains many things:
So, here is the function details:
DrawRotate( Surface, X , Y, Width, Height, PatternIndex, CenterX, CenterY, Angle);
Surface: TDirectDrawSurface that image is drawn to, usually DXDraw.Surface.
X,Y: Draw point. Image rotates around it.
Width,Height: New width and height can be set to scale image, or set original values.
PatternIndex: Set this to 0, unless you have image-grid that has patterns for animation.
CenterX,CenterY: Defines weight-point for rotation. Normally 0.5, or in range 0..1.