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Delphi 10.4 Sydney

Re: Items aus einem Memo-feld sortieren

  Alt 13. Jul 2006, 18:19
Aus der Hilfe von TStringList:

Specifies whether duplicate strings can be added to sorted lists.

property Duplicates: TDuplicates;


Set Duplicates to specify what should happen when an attempt is made to add a duplicate string to a sorted list. The CaseSensitive property controls whether two strings are considered duplicates if they are identical except for differences in case.

The value of Duplicates should be one of the following.

Value Meaning

dupIgnore Ignore attempts to add duplicate strings to the list.
dupError Raise an EStringListError exception when an attempt is made to add duplicate strings to the sorted list.
dupAccept Permit duplicate strings in the sorted list.

Set Duplicates before adding any strings to the list. Setting Duplicates to dupIgnore or dupError does nothing about duplicate strings that are already in the list.

Note: Duplicates does nothing if the list is not sorted.

Da kannst Du die Zeilen des Memofeldes in eine StringList übertragen.
Die Stringlist dann wieder in das Memofeld schreiben.
Ob sich das Ausfiltern direkt im Memo machen läßt weiß ich nicht.

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