Thema: Delphi Send to tray

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4.648 Beiträge
Delphi XE Professional

Re: Send to tray

  Alt 17. Jul 2003, 20:40
1. ... das Progg nicht beim verkleinern in den Tray geht sondern normal unten in die Taskleiste?
Nit dieser Funktion kannst du deine App animiert ins Tray minimieren.


procedure MinimizeToTray(AForm: TForm; bMinimizing, bOverrideUserSettings: Boolean);
  RectFrom, RectTo: TRect;
  GotRectTo: Boolean;
  abd: TAppBarData;
  HTaskbar, HTrayWnd: HWND;
  ResetRegistry: Boolean;
  ai: TAnimationInfo;

  procedure SetAnimation(Animation: Boolean);
    FillChar(ai, SizeOf(ai), 0);
    ai.cbSize := SizeOf(ai);
    if Animation then
      ai.iMinAnimate := 1
      ai.iMinAnimate := 0;
    SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETANIMATION, 0, @ai, SPIF_SENDCHANGE);

  // Check if user wants window animation
  ResetRegistry := False;
  if bOverrideUserSettings then
    FillChar(ai, SizeOf(ai), 0);
    ai.cbSize := SizeOf(ai);
    SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETANIMATION, 0, @ai, SPIF_SENDCHANGE);
    if ai.iMinAnimate = 0 then
      // Temporarily enable window animation
      ResetRegistry := True;

  RectFrom := AForm.BoundsRect;
  GotRectTo := False;

  // Get the traybar's bounding rectangle
  HTaskbar := FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd', nil);
  if HTaskbar <> 0 then
    HTrayWnd := FindWindowEx(HTaskbar, 0, 'TrayNotifyWnd', nil);
    if HTrayWnd <> 0 then
      if GetWindowRect(HTrayWnd, RectTo) then
        GotRectTo := True;

  // If that fails, invent a rectangle in the corner where the traybar is
  if not GotRectTo then
    FillChar(abd, SizeOf(abd), 0);
    abd.cbSize := SizeOf(abd);
    if SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETTASKBARPOS, abd) = 0 then Exit;
    with Screen, abd.rc do
      if (Top > 0) or (Left > 0) then
        RectTo := Rect(Width-32, Height-32, Width, Height)
      else if (Bottom < Height) then
        RectTo := Rect(Width-32, 0, Width, 32)
      else if (Right < Width) then
        RectTo := Rect(0, Height-32, 32, Height);

  if bMinimizing then
    DrawAnimatedRects(AForm.Handle, IDANI_CAPTION, RectFrom, RectTo)
    DrawAnimatedRects(AForm.Handle, IDANI_CAPTION, RectTo, RectFrom);

  if ResetRegistry then
    SetAnimation(False); // Disable window animation

// Beispielaufruf:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  FloatingRectangles(Form1, True, True);
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