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How to Use Indy 10 idHTTP : IOHandler value is not valid

Ein Thema von Delphi-Lover · begonnen am 15. Jun 2005 · letzter Beitrag vom 23. Okt 2008
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Re: How to Use Indy 10 idHTTP : IOHandler value is not valid

  Alt 23. Okt 2008, 14:34
Try the following changes:

databuffer : array[0..4095*sizeof(char)] of char;

dwNumber := sizeof(databuffer) div sizeof(char);

for i := 0 to sizeof(char)-1 do

Nikolai Wyderka

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Re: How to Use Indy 10 idHTTP : IOHandler value is not valid

  Alt 23. Okt 2008, 15:49
In both Indy 9 and Indy 10 i use idhttp1.get(URL) to get the sitecontent..
Martin Weber
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Re: How to Use Indy 10 idHTTP : IOHandler value is not valid

  Alt 23. Okt 2008, 16:04
Hi DelphiLover,

despite the fact that you are currently trying to use an approach without Indy for solving your problem I just wanted to let you know that the TIdHTTP component does not have the need to assign an IO handler.

I am currently using the .GET of it without any assigned IO handler inside of my own commercial application. It has been working for a long time now. Using the Indy 10 shipped with Delphi < 2007 as well as the latest available D2009 release version and our own SVN version.

I would suggest trying to create a clean project and use a basic test procedure to check whether it is Indy or something else involved.

By the way: No matter what you hear from others - Indy 9 is more or less deprecated. Indy 10 has had some stability issues and bugs after beeing published but that's also quite some years (!) ago now. The current source is as stable as Indy 9 has been (which also has not been bug free). As you mentioned correctly some issues users have a related to the high abstraction layer Indy provides. There have been many discussions about that including comments from famous TeamB members like Peter Below or Remy LeBeau.

Anyways, good luck for solving your current problem. If you try to do some further tests using Indy you're welcome to give feedback here in order to help us solving the problem.

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Re: How to Use Indy 10 idHTTP : IOHandler value is not valid

  Alt 23. Okt 2008, 16:19
I was the one who restarted this thread after several years, i had the example code in one of my projects - found it via google and used it instead of using indy.

After a bit of research, i found out that this code works as well (and is less likely to produce errors):

  Result := '';
      Result := idHtp1.Get(AUrl);
Thx to Angel4585
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Registriert seit: 4. Feb 2006
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1.296 Beiträge
Turbo C++

Re: How to Use Indy 10 idHTTP : IOHandler value is not valid

  Alt 23. Okt 2008, 16:27
Zitat von MarkusMaier:
I was the one who restarted this thread after several years, i had the example code in one of my projects - found it via google and used it instead of using indy.

After a bit of research, i found out that this code works as well
Thx to Angel4585
Ah, I see. Missed that. Well, thank you for pointing that out.

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