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TextOut problems

Ein Thema von frankly · begonnen am 11. Mai 2003
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Registriert seit: 5. Mai 2003
22 Beiträge

TextOut problems

  Alt 11. Mai 2003, 13:21
Hi ppl

I created a child windows and I passed the child window handle to a function. And inside that function I used TextOut to print out simply "hallo"
So I simply use
TextOut(hdc, 10, 10, "hallo", 5);
One line is fine, but if I called TextOut like 10 times and incrementing like

TextOut(hdc, 10, 30, "hallo2", 5);
TextOut(hdc, 10, 50, "hallo3", 5);
TextOut(hdc, 10, 70, "hallo4", 5);
Then some of the "hallo"s will be out of the range of the child window and cannot be displayed. So anyone can help me how to make it scrollable?
And anothe thing is when I resize the child window, like maximizing or minimizing it. The texts will be all gone. So I think that has sth to do with WM_PAINT, right? But how should I make it?

Actually I'm trying to make the application window like a console window, displaying text

So when the text goes on and on, the most recent text will be inside the window's view while the previous ones are scrolled know what I mean.. hehe

So do any of you guyz have any idea on how to make it? Just displaying text on the application window?

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