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Registriert seit: 12. Jun 2002
3.485 Beiträge
Delphi 10.1 Berlin Professional

Re: Delphi IDE SpeedUp - D5-D10

  Alt 25. Mai 2006, 14:24
Neue Version 1.8

- Fixed: The 'Disable "Files modified. Rebuild?"-Dialog' option caused the IDE to not recompile a project when changes were made during a debug session.
- Fixed: DLL unhooking could cause access violations
- Added: "File"/"Close all and kill" menu item for a very fast quit.
- Removed: FastSys optimizations. They caused crashes on some systems (maybe a bug in TThemeManagerD6 which definetly overwrites memory => FListViewList.Clear where FListViewList = $00000186)
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