Gibt Fehler:
[X] Disable "Files modified. Rebuild?"-Dialog
[X] Hook all DLLs loaded by LoadLibrary
[ ] Hook only static linked BPLs (no static linked DLLs)
[ ] NoFastObj
[ ] NoFastSys
[X] Uses blended FastCode functions instead of CPU specific functions
Gibt Fehler:
[X] Disable "Files modified. Rebuild?"-Dialog
[ ] Hook all DLLs loaded by LoadLibrary
[x] Hook only static linked BPLs (no static linked DLLs)
[ ] NoFastObj
[ ] NoFastSys
[x] Uses blended FastCode functions instead of CPU specific functions
Gibt keinen Fehler:
[ ] Disable "Files modified. Rebuild?"-Dialog
[ ] Hook all DLLs loaded by LoadLibrary
[ ] Hook only static linked BPLs (no static linked DLLs)
[x] NoFastObj
[x] NoFastSys
[X] Uses blended FastCode functions instead of CPU specific functions