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Delphi 2010 Professional

Re: Problem mit "NOT NULL - Feld"

  Alt 12. Mai 2006, 08:11
Zitat von Bill K. von MySQL.com:
MySQL accepts CHECK constraint syntax in the CREATE TABLE statement, and gives no error. But MySQL does not store any information for the constraint, and does not enforce the constraint.

Similarly for foreign key constraints when using MyISAM tables.

IMHO, this is a bad decision on the part of the makers of MySQL. They did it so that users could import schema definitions from other RDBMS that make use of these features, without editing their DDL scripts. But it causes users to have a false impression that a given constraint has been defined in the schema.

As an alternative, if you use MySQL 5.0 you can write a trigger that changes your Field1 to NULL if someone attempts to insert a value of "". That way, the NOT NULL constraint on that column will be violated and the operation will be aborted.

CREATE TRIGGER noblank_field1 BEFORE INSERT ON Tablename
IF NEW.Field1 = "" THEN
SET NEW.Field1 = NULL;

(Also make a similar trigger BEFORE UPDATE.)

If you use a version of MySQL earlier than 5.0, triggers are not implemented. You would have to enforce the rule in application code.

Bill K.
Martin Weber
Ich bin ein Rüsselmops
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