Thema: Delphi DBgrid in csv - Problem

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Re: DBgrid in csv - Problem

  Alt 9. Mai 2006, 21:03
Herzlich willkommen in der Delphi-PRAXiS, Alex.

Hier ein Nachrüst-Kit für dich:

function DelimitedText(s: TStrings; const cDelimiter: Char = ',';
  const cQuote: Char = '"'): String;
  i, iPos, iLength: Integer;
  line: String;
  if s.Count = 0 then Result := 'else
  // calculate resulting length
    // account for delimiters
    iLength := Pred(s.Count);
    for i := 0 to Pred(s.Count) do
      line := s[i];
      // account for outer quotes
      Inc(iLength, Length(line) + 2);
      for iPos := 1 to Length(line) do
        // account for escape chars
        Inc(iLength, Ord(line[iPos] = cQuote));
    // dimension result
    SetLength(Result, iLength);
    iPos := 1;
    for i := 0 to Pred(s.Count) do
      if i > 0 then
        Result[iPos] := cDelimiter;
      line := AnsiQuotedStr(s[i], cQuote);
      Move(line[1], Result[iPos], Length(line));
      Inc(iPos, Length(line));
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