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Daniel B

n/a Beiträge
  Alt 4. Jul 2003, 18:28
Zitat von sakura:
Wenn es das ist, was er wollte: Keybinding
Das ist seltsam, wenn ich nach Keybinding suche, dann finde ich nur das:

Zitat von Delphi-OH:
Delphi Object and Component Reference
AddKeyboardBinding method (IOTAKeyboardServices)


Adds a keyboard binding.

Delphi syntax:

function AddKeyboardBinding(const KeyBinding: IOTAKeyboardBinding): Integer;

C++ syntax:

virtual int __fastcall AddKeyboardBinding(const _di_IOTAKeyboardBinding KeyBinding) = 0;


AddKeyboardBinding adds a list of registered keyboard bindings. Once you have called AddKeyboardBinding, you can bind a keyboard to the IDE by calling the BindKeyboard method of the key binding (the KeyBinding parameter).

The KeyBinding parameter is an instance of a class that you write to implement the IOTAKeyboardBinding interface.

The return value is an index that uniquely identifies the keyboard binding.
Grüsse, Daniel