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Registriert seit: 14. Sep 2002
Ort: Steinbach, MB, Canada
301 Beiträge
Delphi XE2 Architect

Re: BASS: eine mod wiederholt ohne Loop

  Alt 25. Apr 2006, 23:17

Um das zu verhindern musst du den BASS_MUSIC_STOPBACK Flag benutzen! Das steht auch in der Bass-Hilfe.

Channel:= BASS_MusicLoad(false, Pchar(FileName), 0, 0, Flag or BASS_MUSIC_STOPBACK or BASS_MUSIC_PRESCAN, 0);
BASS_MUSIC_STOPBACK Stop the music when a backward jump effect is played. This stops musics that never reach the end from going into endless loops. Some MOD musics are designed to jump all over the place, so this flag would cause those to be stopped prematurely. If this flag is used together with the BASS_SAMPLE_LOOP flag, then the music would not be stopped but any BASS_SYNC_END sync would be triggered.
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