I ain't sure how all your programs work, what they do, what kind of output tey have and what kind of input they need and how the should receive the input and what they do with the input. That's your job.
Yes I know, you're helping me here is very generous I understand...I am very happy that you're helping really..thank you sooooooo much!!
I ain't sure how all your programs work, what they do, what kind of output tey have and what kind of input they need and how the should receive the input. That's your job. All I can do is to tell you how application can communicate. But I see your problem. Your programs weren't designed for this purpose. And that's the point, that makes it so difficult.
Yes...I appreciate very much for your understanding...actually I wrote a program to be run on UNIX system
And then I thought it'll be better to make a windows
GUI...so yes...it's vesy messy...so do you think it'll help you to learn better if you can see the windows
API codings? Or you have to see also the C programs?
And what changes are needed for that C program? You mentioned it has to be changed in order to communicate right? And yes, the other 5 C programs, they don't have to be changed right?

They will just display outputs to the screen.
Oh I'm terribly sorry, I didn't see your message before
Please don't send me any code. I wont have the time to do your work. Just post the relavent code.
OK, I'll keep reading the pipes from
MSDN...and your source codes in teh message (bcoz I just happened to miss the while message...don't know why)hope you will be back soon...need help very very desparately...