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wenn ich in Scintilla keinen Shortcut mit Strg+S belegt habe, dann bekomme ich (wenn ich Strg+S drücke) ein DC3-Conrolchar... Wie kann ich diese Zeichen deaktivieren? Danke im Vorraus!
Sorry for responding in english, but I cannot write german.
If you are using TScintilla or TScintillaMemo, then might no longer be a problem, but if a problem occurs anyway,
use Scintilla1.KeyCommands.Update(nil);
If you use TScintillaBase directly, use this:
TScintillaBase1.AssignCmdKey(ShortCutToSciKey(FSho rtCut), SCI_NULL);
The documentation found in the
Scintilla Project is very helpful, even for the DelphiSci wrapper because most base functions is a direct translation of messages to functions.
An example: GetLength = SCI_GETLENGTH.
I hope this solves your problem.