Thema: Delphi Musik + Mehrer Bilder

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Registriert seit: 11. Jan 2006
16 Beiträge
Delphi 2005 Personal

Musik + Mehrer Bilder

  Alt 20. Mär 2006, 23:08
ich hab noch 1 Problem + 1 Frage

Die Frage:

ich wollte mal fragen ob es möglich ist einfach eine mp3-datein einzufügen die die ganze zeit im hintergrund läuft

Das Problem:

Ich wollte machen das mein programm einen zähler hat der die schüsse durchzählt und maximal 5 schüsse pro bildschirm hat aber er nimmt immer nur den 1. und übermalt das dann am ausgang

hier mein quellcode
unit Unit1;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
  Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Menus, Buttons;

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    background: TImage;
    player: TImage;
    enemy1: TImage;
    MainMenu1: TMainMenu;
    Datei1: TMenuItem;
    Start1: TMenuItem;
    Beenden1: TMenuItem;
    Timer1: TTimer;
    bullet1: TImage;
    planet1: TImage;
    bullet2: TImage;
    bullet3: TImage;
    bullet4: TImage;
    bullet5: TImage;
    Timer2: TTimer;
    enemy2: TImage;
    enemy3: TImage;
    explosion1: TImage;
    Timer3: TTimer;
    procedure Timer3Timer(Sender: TObject);
    procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
    procedure Beenden1Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Start1Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Timer2Timer(Sender: TObject);

    { Private-Deklarationen }
    { Public-Deklarationen }

  Form1: TForm1;
  x,y:integer; {Schiff-X/Y Koordinaten}
  e,f,ee,ff:integer; {Planet-X/Y Koordinaten}
  c,cc,ccc,cccc,ccccc,d,dd,ddd,dddd,ddddd:integer; {Schuss-X/Y Koordinaten}
  a,aa,aaa,b,bb,bbb:integer; {Feinde-x/y Koordinaten}
  g,h,k:integer; {Explosion-x/y Koordinate}


{$R *.dfm}

procedure Schuss;
  c:=x+50; d:=y+23;
  cc:=x+50; dd:=y+23;
  ccc:=x+50; ddd:=y+23;
  cccc:=x+50; dddd:=y+23;
  ccccc:=x+50; ddddd:=y+23;
  form1.bullet1.Left:=c; form1.bullet1.Top:=d;
  form1.bullet2.Left:=cc; form1.bullet2.Top:=dd;
  form1.bullet3.Left:=ccc; form1.bullet3.Top:=ddd;
  form1.bullet4.Left:=cccc; form1.bullet4.Top:=dddd;
  form1.bullet5.Left:=ccccc; form1.bullet5.Top:=ddddd;

procedure Planet;
  e:=random(250); f:=random(200);
  form1.planet1.Left:=e; form1.planet1.Top:=f;

procedure Enemy;
  a:=random(300)+100; b:=random(400)+50;
  aa:=random(300)+100; bb:=random(400)+50;
  aaa:=random(300)+100; bbb:=random(400)+50;

procedure Kollision1;
  g:=a; h:=b;
  form1.explosion1.left:=g; form1.explosion1.Top:=h;

procedure Neu;
  Enemy; Schuss; Planet; Kollision1;
  x:=0; y:=150;
  form1.player.picture.loadfromfile ('player.bmp');
  form1.player.Left:=x; form1.player.Top:=y;

procedure TForm1.Start1Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure Feuern;
  c:=x+50; d:=y+23;
  cc:=x+50; dd:=y+23;
  ccc:=x+50; ddd:=y+23;
  cccc:=x+50; dddd:=y+23;
  ccccc:=x+50; ddddd:=y+23;
  if p=0 then begin form1.bullet1.visible:=true; p:=p+1; end;
  if p=1 then begin form1.bullet2.Visible:=true; p:=p+1; end;
  if p=2 then begin form1.bullet3.Visible:=true; p:=p+1; end;
  if p=3 then begin form1.bullet4.Visible:=true; p:=p+1; end;
  if p=4 then begin form1.bullet5.Visible:=true; p:=0; end;

procedure Kollision2;

procedure Tform1.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
  Shift: TShiftState);
  if x=0 then
    if y=0 then
      if key=113 then Neu;
      if p=5 then p:=1;
      if key=37 then x:=x;
      if key=38 then y:=y;
      if key=39 then x:=x+5;
      if key=40 then y:=y+5;
      if key=17 then Feuern;
      if y=450 then
        if key=113 then Neu;
        if p=5 then p:=1;
        if key=37 then x:=x;
        if key=38 then y:=y-5;
        if key=39 then x:=x+5;
        if key=40 then y:=y;
        if key=17 then Feuern;
        if key=113 then Neu;
        if p=5 then p:=1;
        if key=37 then x:=x;
        if key=38 then y:=y-5;
        if key=39 then x:=x+5;
        if key=40 then y:=y+5;
        if key=17 then Feuern;
    if y=0 then
      if key=113 then Neu;
      if p=5 then p:=1;
      if key=37 then x:=x-5;
      if key=38 then y:=y;
      if key=39 then x:=x+5;
      if key=40 then y:=y+5;
      if key=17 then Feuern;
      if x=450 then
        if y=450 then
          if key=113 then Neu;
          if p=5 then p:=1;
          if key=37 then x:=x-5;
          if key=38 then y:=y-5;
          if key=39 then x:=x;
          if key=40 then y:=y;
          if key=17 then Feuern;
          if y=0 then
            if key=113 then Neu;
            if p=5 then p:=1;
            if key=37 then x:=x-5;
            if key=38 then y:=y;
            if key=39 then x:=x;
            if key=40 then y:=y+5;
            if key=17 then Feuern;
            if key=113 then Neu;
            if p=5 then p:=1;
            if key=37 then x:=x-5;
            if key=38 then y:=y-5;
            if key=39 then x:=x;
            if key=40 then y:=y+5;
            if key=17 then Feuern;
        if y=450 then
          if key=113 then Neu;
          if p=5 then p:=1;
          if key=37 then x:=x-5;
          if key=38 then y:=y-5;
          if key=39 then x:=x+5;
          if key=40 then y:=y;
          if key=17 then Feuern;
          if key=113 then Neu;
          if p=5 then p:=1;
          if key=37 then x:=x-5;
          if key=38 then y:=y-5;
          if key=39 then x:=x+5;
          if key=40 then y:=y+5;
          if key=17 then Feuern;

procedure Tform1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
  if x=450 then x:=x+0;
  if y=450 then y:=y+0;
  if (player.Left < (enemy1.Left+enemy1.Width))
   and ((player.Left+player.Width)>enemy1.Left)
   and (player.Top < (enemy1.Top+enemy1.Height))
   and ((player.Top+player.Height)> enemy1.Top)
  then begin form1.enemy1.Visible:=false; form1.player.Visible:=false; end;
  if (player.Left < (enemy2.Left+enemy2.Width))
   and ((player.Left+player.Width)>enemy2.Left)
   and (player.Top < (enemy2.Top+enemy2.Height))
   and ((player.Top+player.Height)> enemy2.Top)
  then begin form1.enemy2.Visible:=false; form1.player.Visible:=false; end;
  if (player.Left < (enemy3.Left+enemy3.Width))
   and ((player.Left+player.Width)>enemy3.Left)
   and (player.Top < (enemy3.Top+enemy3.Height))
   and ((player.Top+player.Height)> enemy3.Top)
  then begin form1.enemy3.Visible:=false; form1.player.Visible:=false; end;

procedure TForm1.Timer2Timer(Sender: TObject);
  form1.bullet1.Left:=c; form1.bullet1.Top:=d;
  form1.bullet2.Left:=cc; form1.bullet2.Top:=dd;
  form1.bullet3.Left:=ccc; form1.bullet3.Top:=ddd;
  form1.bullet4.Left:=cccc; form1.bullet4.Top:=dddd;
  form1.bullet5.Left:=ccccc; form1.bullet5.Top:=ddddd;
  //Bullet 1
  if c=490 then
    form1.bullet1.Visible:=false; c:=0; d:=0;
    if (bullet1.Left < (enemy1.Left+enemy1.Width))
     and ((bullet1.Left+bullet1.Width)>enemy1.Left)
     and (bullet1.Top < (enemy1.Top+enemy1.Height))
     and ((bullet1.Top+bullet1.Height)> enemy1.Top)
    then begin enemy1.Visible:=false; end;
    if (bullet1.Left < (enemy2.Left+enemy2.Width))
     and ((bullet1.Left+bullet1.Width)>enemy2.Left)
     and (bullet1.Top < (enemy2.Top+enemy2.Height))
     and ((bullet1.Top+bullet1.Height)> enemy2.Top)
    then begin enemy2.Visible:=false; end;
    if (bullet1.Left < (enemy3.Left+enemy3.Width))
     and ((bullet1.Left+bullet1.Width)>enemy3.Left)
     and (bullet1.Top < (enemy3.Top+enemy3.Height))
     and ((bullet1.Top+bullet1.Height)> enemy3.Top)
    then begin enemy3.Visible:=false; end;
  //Bullet 2
  if cc=490 then
    form1.bullet2.Visible:=false; c:=0; d:=0;
    if (bullet2.Left < (enemy1.Left+enemy1.Width))
     and ((bullet2.Left+bullet2.Width)>enemy1.Left)
     and (bullet2.Top < (enemy1.Top+enemy1.Height))
     and ((bullet2.Top+bullet2.Height)> enemy1.Top)
    then begin enemy1.Visible:=false; end;
    if (bullet2.Left < (enemy2.Left+enemy2.Width))
     and ((bullet2.Left+bullet2.Width)>enemy2.Left)
     and (bullet2.Top < (enemy2.Top+enemy2.Height))
     and ((bullet2.Top+bullet2.Height)> enemy2.Top)
    then begin enemy2.Visible:=false; end;
    if (bullet2.Left < (enemy3.Left+enemy3.Width))
     and ((bullet2.Left+bullet2.Width)>enemy3.Left)
     and (bullet2.Top < (enemy3.Top+enemy3.Height))
     and ((bullet2.Top+bullet2.Height)> enemy3.Top)
    then begin enemy3.Visible:=false; end;
  //Bullet 3
  if ccc=490 then
    form1.bullet3.Visible:=false; ccc:=0; ddd:=0;
    if (bullet3.Left < (enemy1.Left+enemy1.Width))
     and ((bullet3.Left+bullet3.Width)>enemy1.Left)
     and (bullet3.Top < (enemy1.Top+enemy1.Height))
     and ((bullet3.Top+bullet3.Height)> enemy1.Top)
    then begin enemy1.Visible:=false; end;
    if (bullet3.Left < (enemy2.Left+enemy2.Width))
     and ((bullet3.Left+bullet3.Width)>enemy2.Left)
     and (bullet3.Top < (enemy2.Top+enemy2.Height))
     and ((bullet3.Top+bullet3.Height)> enemy2.Top)
    then begin enemy2.Visible:=false; end;
    if (bullet3.Left < (enemy3.Left+enemy3.Width))
     and ((bullet3.Left+bullet3.Width)>enemy3.Left)
     and (bullet3.Top < (enemy3.Top+enemy3.Height))
     and ((bullet3.Top+bullet3.Height)> enemy3.Top)
    then begin enemy3.Visible:=false; end;
  //Bullet 4
  if cccc=490 then
    form1.bullet4.Visible:=false; cccc:=0; dddd:=0;
    if (bullet4.Left < (enemy1.Left+enemy1.Width))
     and ((bullet4.Left+bullet4.Width)>enemy1.Left)
     and (bullet4.Top < (enemy1.Top+enemy1.Height))
     and ((bullet4.Top+bullet4.Height)> enemy1.Top)
    then begin enemy1.Visible:=false; end;
    if (bullet4.Left < (enemy2.Left+enemy2.Width))
     and ((bullet4.Left+bullet4.Width)>enemy2.Left)
     and (bullet4.Top < (enemy2.Top+enemy2.Height))
     and ((bullet4.Top+bullet4.Height)> enemy2.Top)
    then begin enemy2.Visible:=false; end;
    if (bullet4.Left < (enemy3.Left+enemy3.Width))
     and ((bullet4.Left+bullet4.Width)>enemy3.Left)
     and (bullet4.Top < (enemy3.Top+enemy3.Height))
     and ((bullet4.Top+bullet4.Height)> enemy3.Top)
    then begin enemy3.Visible:=false; end;
  //Bullet 5
  if ccccc=490 then
    form1.bullet5.Visible:=false; ccccc:=0; ddddd:=0;
    if (bullet5.Left < (enemy1.Left+enemy1.Width))
     and ((bullet5.Left+bullet5.Width)>enemy1.Left)
     and (bullet5.Top < (enemy1.Top+enemy1.Height))
     and ((bullet5.Top+bullet5.Height)> enemy1.Top)
    then begin enemy1.Visible:=false; end;
    if (bullet5.Left < (enemy2.Left+enemy2.Width))
     and ((bullet5.Left+bullet5.Width)>enemy2.Left)
     and (bullet5.Top < (enemy2.Top+enemy2.Height))
     and ((bullet5.Top+bullet5.Height)> enemy2.Top)
    then begin enemy2.Visible:=false; end;
    if (bullet5.Left < (enemy3.Left+enemy3.Width))
     and ((bullet5.Left+bullet5.Width)>enemy3.Left)
     and (bullet5.Top < (enemy3.Top+enemy3.Height))
     and ((bullet5.Top+bullet5.Height)> enemy3.Top)
    then begin enemy3.Visible:=false; end;

procedure TForm1.Timer3Timer(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.Beenden1Click(Sender: TObject);

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