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EstSearchDialogs 1.1 released

Ein Thema von Baldo · begonnen am 6. Apr 2005 · letzter Beitrag vom 24. Dez 2005
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Benutzerbild von Baldo
Registriert seit: 27. Sep 2004

Free, fast and flexible.
Benutzerbild von Pr0g

Delphi 7 Personal
  Alt 6. Apr 2005, 21:50
Wie wäre es mit einer kleinen Beschreibung?

MfG Pr0g
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Benutzerbild von Baldo

Delphi 7 Enterprise
  Alt 10. Apr 2005, 13:12
I did not add that because of my poor German . But here goes in English: EstSearchDialogs is a Delphi component set to create powerful search functionality in your application by building a SQL statement and visualy configuring how your user may search on the query result. Use BDE, DB Express, ADO, IB Express, Zeos or custom.

See the exe demo (includes clean uninstall) to find out what it can do for you.


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Benutzerbild von Baldo

Delphi 7 Enterprise
  Alt 28. Aug 2005, 17:14
Version released.
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Benutzerbild von Baldo

Delphi 7 Enterprise
  Alt 24. Dez 2005, 15:06
Version 1.2 released.
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