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Punkteverteilung aus einem game

Ein Thema von Pseudemys Nelsoni · begonnen am 20. Apr 2003
Benutzerbild von Pseudemys Nelsoni
Pseudemys Nelsoni

Registriert seit: 24. Dez 2002
Ort: Hamburg-Harburg
3.551 Beiträge

Punkteverteilung aus einem game

  Alt 20. Apr 2003, 15:47
hi, ich möchte ein prog machen, das berechnet wieviel ppunkte der gewinner/verlierer gewinnt/verliert anhand der bereits vorhandenen punkte. Die Formel für dieses game habe ich, sie lautet:

How are my Clan points calculated?

Simply put, the higher the rank of your opponent, the higher your points per kill. The more kills or losses you cause for your opponent, the more points you receive. The more points you receive, the higher your rank. You will never lose more than 10% of your total score in any one game and you will never earn more than 64 points in one game.

The formula for determining your score amongst tens of thousands of other players is rather messy - but it works brilliantly! This scoring mechanism works in both Clan and single-player games.

RN = RO + K(W - WE)
Where :

RN is the new rating
RO is the old (pre-event) rating
K is a constant
W is the score in the event (1 = win, 0 = loss)
K is the maximum number of points you can win or lose based upon the ranks of the players involved. It can range from 1 point to 64 points.

WE is the expected score derived from the following formula :

WE = 1 / (10 ^ (DR / 400) + 1)

DR is the difference in ratings between players.
Players will never lose more than 10% of their total score during any game. All players start at 0 (zero) points and can never drop below 0 at any time.

bloss ich versteh da nix, kann mir jemand erklären wie ich das umsetze?


gruss silent
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