Since I'm writing this in English, I'll keep it (hopefully) short!
I have 2 forms. I try to open .res file in Form2. Delphi stops and
reports "Project XXXX.exe raised
exception class EAccess Violation with message '
Access violation at address 00408895 in module XXXX.exe. Write of address 004037C7' Process stopped."
Then it points toward Form1 where it's written ShowModal!
I try to write in file with strPCopy(Something.One, edit1.text);
type TNk=record

var Something:TNk;
What is the problem?
Another question, but not connected to previous: When I press button, it reads from edit. This works (of course). Then I try to set focus again to edit. (with Edit1.SetFocus). It should
work with Delphi v5 (I rewritten from book). It doesn't work. It reports missing semicolon or something like that!