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Registriert seit: 17. Nov 2005
Ort: Hamburg
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Delphi XE2 Professional

Re: Primzahlen bis ins Unendliche

  Alt 24. Dez 2005, 11:48
Zitat von Chris1986:
Habe gerade bei heise online was zur größten bekannten Primzahl gefunden:

Demnach hat die größte bekannte Primzahl 6.320.430 Stellen :shock:

On February 18, 2005, Dr. Martin Nowak from Germany, found the new largest known prime number, 2^225,964,951-1. The prime number has 7,816,230 digits! It took more than 50 days of calculations on Dr. Nowak's 2.4 GHz Pentium 4 computer. The new prime was independently verified in 5 days by Tony Reix of Grenoble, France using a 16 Itanium CPU Bull NovaScale 5000 HPC running the Glucas program by Guillermo Ballester Valor of Granada, Spain. A second verification was completed by Jeff Gilchrist of Elytra Enterprises Inc. in Ottawa, Canada using 15 days of time on 12 CPUs of a Compaq Alpha GS160 1.2 GHz CPU server at SHARCNET.

On December 16th one of GIMPS' computers reported a new Mersenne prime! An independent verification is expected to complete as early as December 25th. Full details about the new prime and its discoverer will be available shortly thereafter

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