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Registriert seit: 21. Jul 2002 Ort: Bonn 5.403 Beiträge Turbo Delphi für Win32 |
MagicAndre1981 hat hier ein Update für die in der Code-Library befindliche Funktion für das Herausfinden der verwendeten Windowsversion gepostet. Das Update beläuft sich hier (nur) auf den Teil, dass nun die Windows XP Media Center Edition erkannt wird:
Wie corgan anmerkte, muss unter Umständen noch folgende Unit - Windows_Fragment.dcu - noch zusätzlich in die Uses aufgenommen werden:
SM_MEDIACENTER = 87; // // taken from PSDK Feb 2003 - "Getting the System version" // (ms-help://MS.PSDK.1033/sysinfo/base/getting_the_system_version.htm) // function GetWinVersion: string; var osvi : TOSVersionInfo; bOsVersionInfoEx : boolean; key : HKEY; szProductType : array[0..79]of char; dwBuflen : dword; begin // Try calling GetVersionEx using the OSVERSIONINFOEX structure. // If that fails, try using the OSVERSIONINFO structure. ZeroMemory(@osvi,sizeof(TOSVersionInfo)); osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize := sizeof(TOSVersionInfo); bOsVersionInfoEx := GetVersionEx(osvi); if(not bOsVersionInfoEx) then begin osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize := VERSIONINFOSIZE; if(not GetVersionEx(osvi)) then begin Result := 'Fehler bei der Ermittlung der Windows-Version'; exit; end; end; case osvi.dwPlatformId of // Test for the Windows NT product family. VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: begin // Test for the specific product family. if(osvi.dwMajorVersion = 5) and (osvi.dwMinorVersion = 2) then Result := 'Microsoft Windows Server 2003 family, '; if(osvi.dwMajorVersion = 5) and (osvi.dwMinorVersion = 1) then Result := 'Microsoft Windows XP '; if(osvi.dwMajorVersion = 5) and (osvi.dwMinorVersion = 0) then Result := 'Microsoft Windows 2000 '; if(osvi.dwMajorVersion <= 4) then Result := 'Microsoft Windows NT '; // Test for specific product on Windows NT 4.0 SP6 and later. if(bOsVersionInfoEx) then begin // Test for the workstation type. if(osvi.wProductType = VER_NT_WORKSTATION) then begin if(osvi.dwMajorVersion = 4) then Result := Result + 'Workstation 4.0 ' else if(osvi.wSuiteMask and VER_SUITE_PERSONAL <> 0) then Result := Result + 'Home Edition ' else Begin // Unterscheidung zw. MCE und Prof. if GetSystemMetrics(SM_MEDIACENTER) <> 0 then Result := Result + 'Media Center Edition ' else Result := Result + 'Professional '; End; end // Test for the server type. else if(osvi.wProductType = VER_NT_SERVER) then begin if(osvi.dwMajorVersion = 5) and (osvi.dwMinorVersion = 2) then begin // Win 2003 if(osvi.wSuiteMask and VER_SUITE_DATACENTER <> 0) then Result := Result + 'Datacenter Edition ' else if(osvi.wSuiteMask and VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE <> 0) then Result := Result + 'Enterprise Edition ' else if(osvi.wSuiteMask = VER_SUITE_BLADE) then Result := Result + 'Web Edition ' else Result := Result + 'Standard Edition '; end // Win 2000 else if(osvi.dwMajorVersion = 5) and (osvi.dwMinorVersion = 0) then begin if(osvi.wSuiteMask and VER_SUITE_DATACENTER <> 0) then Result := Result + 'Datacenter Server ' else if(osvi.wSuiteMask and VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE <> 0) then Result := Result + 'Advanced Server ' else Result := Result + 'Server '; end else begin // Windows NT 4.0 if(osvi.wSuiteMask and VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE <> 0) then Result := Result + 'Server 4.0, Enterprise Edition ' else Result := Result + 'Server 4.0 '; end; end end // Test for specific product on Windows NT 4.0 SP5 and earlier else begin dwBufLen := sizeof(szProductType); if(RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions',0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE,key) = ERROR_SUCCESS) then try ZeroMemory(@szProductType,sizeof(szProductType)); if(RegQueryValueEx(key,'ProductType',nil,nil, @szProductType,@dwBufLen) <> ERROR_SUCCESS) or (dwBufLen > sizeof(szProductType)) then ZeroMemory(@szProductType,sizeof(szProductType)); finally RegCloseKey(key); end; if(lstrcmpi('WINNT',szProductType) = 0) then Result := Result + 'Workstation '; if(lstrcmpi('LANMANNT',szProductType) = 0) then Result := Result + 'Server '; if(lstrcmpi('SERVERNT',szProductType) = 0) then Result := Result + 'Advanced Server '; Result := Format('%s%d.%d',[Result,osvi.dwMajorVersion, osvi.dwMinorVersion]); end; // Display service pack (if any) and build number. if(osvi.dwMajorVersion = 4) and (lstrcmpi(osvi.szCSDVersion,'Service Pack 6') = 0) then begin // Test for SP6 versus SP6a. if(RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Hotfix\Q246009', 0,KEY_QUERY_VALUE,key) = ERROR_SUCCESS) then Result := Format('%sService Pack 6a (Build %d)',[Result, osvi.dwBuildNumber and $ffff]) else // Windows NT 4.0 prior to SP6a Result := Format('%s%s (Build %d)',[Result, osvi.szCSDVersion,osvi.dwBuildNumber and $ffff]); RegCloseKey(key); end // Windows NT 3.51 and earlier or Windows 2000 and later else begin Result := Format('%s%s (Build %d)',[Result, osvi.szCSDVersion,osvi.dwBuildNumber and $ffff]); end; end; // Test for the Windows 95 product family. VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: begin if(osvi.dwMajorVersion = 4) and (osvi.dwMinorVersion = 0) then begin Result := 'Microsoft Windows 95 '; if(osvi.szCSDVersion[0] = 'C') or (osvi.szCSDVersion[0] = 'B') then Result := Result + 'OSR2 '; end; if(osvi.dwMajorVersion = 4) and (osvi.dwMinorVersion = 10) then begin Result := 'Microsoft Windows 98 '; if(osvi.szCSDVersion[0] = 'A') then Result:= Result + 'SE '; end; if(osvi.dwMajorVersion = 4) and (osvi.dwMinorVersion = 90) then begin Result := 'Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition'; end; end; VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s: Result := 'Microsoft Win32s'; end; end;
unit Windows_Fragment;
interface uses Windows; type POSVersionInfoA = ^TOSVersionInfoA; POSVersionInfoW = ^TOSVersionInfoW; POSVersionInfo = POSVersionInfoA; _OSVERSIONINFOA = record dwOSVersionInfoSize: DWORD; dwMajorVersion: DWORD; dwMinorVersion: DWORD; dwBuildNumber: DWORD; dwPlatformId: DWORD; szCSDVersion: array[0..127] of AnsiChar; { Maintenance string for PSS usage } wServicePackMajor, wServicePackMinor, wSuiteMask : word; wProductType, wReserved : byte; end; {$EXTERNALSYM _OSVERSIONINFOA} _OSVERSIONINFOW = record dwOSVersionInfoSize: DWORD; dwMajorVersion: DWORD; dwMinorVersion: DWORD; dwBuildNumber: DWORD; dwPlatformId: DWORD; szCSDVersion: array[0..127] of WideChar; { Maintenance string for PSS usage } wServicePackMajor, wServicePackMinor, wSuiteMask : word; wProductType, wReserved : byte; end; {$EXTERNALSYM _OSVERSIONINFOW} _OSVERSIONINFO = _OSVERSIONINFOA; TOSVersionInfoA = _OSVERSIONINFOA; TOSVersionInfoW = _OSVERSIONINFOW; TOSVersionInfo = TOSVersionInfoA; OSVERSIONINFOA = _OSVERSIONINFOA; {$EXTERNALSYM OSVERSIONINFOA} {$EXTERNALSYM OSVERSIONINFO} OSVERSIONINFOW = _OSVERSIONINFOW; {$EXTERNALSYM OSVERSIONINFOW} {$EXTERNALSYM OSVERSIONINFO} OSVERSIONINFO = OSVERSIONINFOA; const {$EXTERNALSYM VERSIONINFOSIZEA} VERSIONINFOSIZEA = sizeof(TOSVersionInfoA) - (sizeof(word) * 3) - (sizeof(byte) * 2); {$EXTERNALSYM VERSIONINFOSIZEW} VERSIONINFOSIZEW = sizeof(TOSVersionInfoW) - (sizeof(word) * 3) - (sizeof(byte) * 2); {$EXTERNALSYM VERSIONINFOSIZE} VERSIONINFOSIZE = VERSIONINFOSIZEA; const // // RtlVerifyVersionInfo() os product type values // VER_NT_WORKSTATION = $0000001; VER_NT_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER = $0000002; VER_NT_SERVER = $0000003; VER_SERVER_NT = $80000000; VER_WORKSTATION_NT = $40000000; VER_SUITE_SMALLBUSINESS = $00000001; VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE = $00000002; VER_SUITE_BACKOFFICE = $00000004; VER_SUITE_COMMUNICATIONS = $00000008; VER_SUITE_TERMINAL = $00000010; VER_SUITE_SMALLBUSINESS_RESTRICTED = $00000020; VER_SUITE_EMBEDDEDNT = $00000040; VER_SUITE_DATACENTER = $00000080; VER_SUITE_SINGLEUSERTS = $00000100; VER_SUITE_PERSONAL = $00000200; VER_SUITE_BLADE = $00000400; VER_SUITE_EMBEDDED_RESTRICTED = $00000800; VER_SUITE_SECURITY_APPLIANCE = $00001000; function GetVersionExA(var lpVersionInformation: TOSVersionInfo): BOOL; stdcall; {$EXTERNALSYM GetVersionExA} function GetVersionExW(var lpVersionInformation: TOSVersionInfo): BOOL; stdcall; {$EXTERNALSYM GetVersionExW} function GetVersionEx(var lpVersionInformation: TOSVersionInfo): BOOL; stdcall; {$EXTERNALSYM GetVersionEx} implementation function GetVersionExA; external kernel32 name 'GetVersionExA'; function GetVersionExW; external kernel32 name 'GetVersionExW'; function GetVersionEx; external kernel32 name 'GetVersionExA'; end. |
26. Feb 2005, 17:22
Dieses Thema wurde von "Chakotay1308" von "Neuen Beitrag zur Code-Library hinzufügen" nach "Windows API" verschoben.Beitrag befindet sich nun hier in der Code-Library. |
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