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Delphi wird 10 Jahre alt

Ein Thema von sakura · begonnen am 9. Feb 2005
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Registriert seit: 10. Jun 2002
Ort: Unterhaching
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Delphi 12 Athens

Delphi wird 10 Jahre alt

  Alt 9. Feb 2005, 14:37
Borland ruft seine Kunden auf Geschichten von und zu Delphi 1 zu erzählen. Am 14. Februar jährt sich der 10. Geburtstag und DavidI sucht Geschichten für das Borland Developer Network:

Email von DavidI
February 14th will mark the 10th anniversary of the launch of Delphi version 1.0 at the Software Development Conference in California. We are looking for stories (success, technical, business, personal, and other) from BDN members who have used Delphi (especially version 1). Stories sent in will be considered for publication on the Borland Developer Network in our Museum area.

If you'd like to share any thoughts, insights, remembrances, successes, and other stories, please email them to and make sure you put the text, "Delphi Stories" in the subject line of your email.

Best wishes for continued success in your software development.

David Intersimone "David I"
Vice President, Developer Relations and Chief Evangelist
Borland Software Corporation
Daniel Lizbeth
Ich bin nicht zurück, ich tue nur so
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