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Several questions

Ein Thema von jcop · begonnen am 2. Feb 2005 · letzter Beitrag vom 2. Feb 2005
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Delphi 2005 Personal

Several questions

  Alt 2. Feb 2005, 15:39
Hello all,

I have a few questions, please note that I don't want a solution so i'm not trying to get you guys to create this for me, just point me in the right directions. Sorry that I ask these in English, but I cannot write German very well, but I can understand it perfect.

Problem 1.

I have 3 text files.

- Aircaft.txt
- Airports.txt
- flightplans.txt

The Aircraft.txt has following data.

AC#1,200,"Beech Baron 58"
AC#2,315,"Beech King Air 350"
AC#3,477,"Boeing 737-400"

Airports.txt contains this data

EDEB,N51* 7.72',E10* 37.25',646
EDEH,N49* 20.66',E8* 29.23',305
EDEL,N49* 54.47',E7* 54.43',292
EDEM,N51* 3.74',E9* 25.28',1312

Flightplans.txt has this data


You probably guest this already, how can I combine these in Delphi.

The result must be a file (stringgrid?) showing this.

Type = Beech Baron 58
Departure = EDEM
Destination = EDEB
Dep Time=
Arr Time=

I'm able to import each of these files, but don't know how to start to combine them to check and change the AC#1 to the aircraft name.

What I want to do with the airports.txt files is use the lat and lon details so I can make each flight visible on a map? Also don't exactly how to draw point and lines on a bmp file?

I know it's quite alot, but i'm dealing with these quite some time, if you want I can send a exe files with things I have done until know. Basically splitting up the flightplans.txt file so I can load this inside a stringgrid.

Thanks in advance.

n/a Beiträge

Re: Several questions

  Alt 2. Feb 2005, 15:44
Why do you create the same thread with the same text once again?
Benutzerbild von Binärbaum

Registriert seit: 19. Jan 2005
Ort: Elstra
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Delphi 7 Enterprise

Re: Several questions

  Alt 2. Feb 2005, 15:47
You should rename this thread (and maybe the other one, too), so that everybody can see what this thread is about.
There are exactly 10 kinds of people: those who understand binary, and those who don't.
"Software reift beim Kunden. Bei Hardware ist es anders: Hardware fault beim Kunden." - Rainer G. Spallek
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Re: Several questions

  Alt 2. Feb 2005, 15:47
Ich mache hier mal zu. Den Thread gibt es schon.
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