Combining text files
2. Feb 2005, 12:02
Hello all,
I have a few questions, please note that I don't want a solution so i'm not trying to get you guys to create this for me, just point me in the right directions. Sorry that I ask these in English, but I cannot write German very well, but I can understand it perfect.
Problem 1.
I have 3 text files.
- Aircaft.txt
- Airports.txt
- flightplans.txt
The Aircraft.txt has following data.
AC#1,200,"Beech Baron 58"
AC#2,315,"Beech King Air 350"
AC#3,477,"Boeing 737-400"
Airports.txt contains this data
EDEB,N51* 7.72',E10* 37.25',646
EDEH,N49* 20.66',E8* 29.23',305
EDEL,N49* 54.47',E7* 54.43',292
EDEM,N51* 3.74',E9* 25.28',1312
Flightplans.txt has this data
You probably guest this already, how can I combine these in Delphi.
The result must be a file (stringgrid?) showing this.
Type = Beech Baron 58
Departure = EDEM
Destination = EDEB
Dep Time=
Arr Time=
I'm able to import each of these files, but don't know how to start to combine them to check and change the AC#1 to the aircraft name.
Thanks in advance.