Thema: Delphi Screenshot verhindern

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Registriert seit: 8. Apr 2004
183 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Enterprise

Re: Screenshot verhindern

  Alt 21. Nov 2005, 17:04
wollte das nicht unter den Tisch fallen lassen :

It's quite hard to block screen shotting without also blocking some needed functionality. There will probably be good reasons why some programs need to get a DC to the whole screen. So you can't generally block any GetDC requests for the whole screen. And once a program has a valid DC for the whole screen, it can use any GDI function with it. So you'd have to hook all those GDI functions and compare the DC handle with the one GetDC returned (as uall said). That's really an awful lot of work and it may be hard to realize in a safe and stable way. Still some programs might find ways around your block by maybe trying to copy DC handles (don't know whether that's possible) or such stuff. Also you'd be lost if a DC handle was already created before your API hook got installed.
(17:05:33) ( deccer ) duuu keine ahnung vonski?
(17:05:46) ( deccer ) duuuu ober dörticode schreibsorinski?
(17:06:02) ( deccer ) bist doch schlimmor wie uall :F
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