Thema: Delphi IInteger class

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Registriert seit: 25. Jun 2003
Ort: Thüringen
2.950 Beiträge

Re: IInteger class

  Alt 16. Nov 2005, 13:03
Ok, first some explanations:

1.) you have nothing to install with DECMath, no designtime package, paths and so on...
2.) you create a new folder like c:\DEC_D7\
3.) you unzip into this folder, with folder option checked
4.) then you start D7
5.) open c:\DEC_D7\Demo\Test.bpg
6.) press F9, finish

now some restrictions:

1.) you must never copy any files to another locations, that make the work only complicated
2.) DECMath is a binaries only distributation, thus you can't recompile any units of it, except some included demo sources
3.) all stuff is fully functional, can be fully tested and isn't limited to
4.) ensure that Delphi has no access to older DEC Part I stuff, eg. to the original and free avaiable Delphi Encryption Compendium. Thats realy important, because DECMath was compiled with another inofficial version of DEC Part I. Temporary you can easily rename any other DEC folders to prevent access for the Compiler, otherwise Delphi tries to recompile all units. In such a case you have to shutdown Delphi, delete the old files and reinstall the ZIP File to renew all DCUs and BPLs.
5.) all sources in folder c:\DEC_D7\LibIntf\ are only the interface sections of my original sources, means without the implementation sections. Thats for documentation purposes only.
6.) before installation please delete all DEC Stuff in your ..\Borland\Delphi 7\Lib\ folder
7.) please remember, these distributations are inofficial and limited for academical and private use only
8.) DECMath contains nothing that must be installed into designtime packages
9.) all projects in DECMath use relative paths in they project options, thus you must nothing change in any global searchpaths of Delphi oder your operating system. Take a look into project options -> compiler paths as example from Test.dpr

In short: create a new folder, unzip into, run Delphi, open ..\Demo\Test.bpg, and run it.

Best Regards, Hagen

Ups, if i wrote above \demo\test.dpr then it could be maybe \test\test.dpr but essentialy thats not important
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