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Benutzerbild von Daniel Schuhmann
Daniel Schuhmann

Registriert seit: 16. Jul 2005
Ort: München
391 Beiträge
Turbo Delphi für Win32

Re: Windows Darstellungsschema laden

  Alt 16. Nov 2005, 12:43
Microsoft schreibt im MSDN-Artikel "About Scroll Bars" (ganz unten):

Zitat von Mircosoft:
Scroll Bar Colors and Metrics
The system-defined color value, COLOR_SCROLLBAR, controls the color within a scroll bar shaft. Use the GetSysColor function to determine the color of the scroll bar shaft and the SetSysColors function to set the color of the scroll bar shaft. Note, however, that this change of color affects all scroll bars in the system.

You can get the dimensions of the bitmaps that the system uses in standard scroll bars by calling the GetSystemMetrics function. Following are the system metric values associated with scroll bars.

System metric Description
SM_CXHSCROLL Width of arrow bitmap on horizontal scroll bar
SM_CXHTHUMB Width of scroll box on horizontal scroll bar. This value retrieves the width a scroll bar that has a page size of zero.
SM_CXVSCROLL Width of arrow bitmap on vertical scroll bar
SM_CYHSCROLL Height of arrow bitmap on horizontal scroll bar
SM_CYVSCROLL Height of arrow bitmap on vertical scroll bar
SM_CYVTHUMB Height of scroll box on vertical scroll bar. This value retrieves the height of a scroll bar that has a page size of zero.
Eine Funktion SetSystemMetrics gibt's leider nicht, aber vielleicht hilft das beim Suchen.

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Daniel Schuhmann
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