Also Bei Mir Sieht es so aus :
Drive information:
Compression: No
DataPadding: No
ReportSetmarks: Yes
DefaultBlockSize: 512
MaximumBlockSize: 65536
MinimumBlockSize: 1
MaximumPartitionCount: 2
FeaturesLow: $3A1CE1
[ X ] Creates `fixed´ data partitions
[ - ] Creates `select´ data partitions
[ - ] Creates `initiator-defined´ partitions
[ - ] Supports `short erase´ operations
[ X ] Supports `long erase´ operations
[ X ] Performs erase operations from the beginning-of-partition marker only
[ X ] Performs immediate erase operations (returns when the erase operation begins)
[ - ] Returns the maximum capacity of the tape
[ - ] Returns the remaining capacity of the tape
[ X ] Supports `fixed-length´ block mode
[ X ] Supports `variable-length´ block mode
[ X ] Returns error if tape is `write-enabled´ or `write-protected´
[ - ] Supports the `end-of-medium´ warning size
[ - ] Supports hardware error correction
[ X ] Supports hardware data compression
[ - ] Supports data padding
[ X ] Supports setmark reporting
[ X ] Provides current device-specific block address
[ X ] Provides current logical block address (and logical tape partition)
[ - ] Supports setting the `end-of-medium´ warning size
[ - ] Physically ejects tape on a software eject
[ - ] Can report if cleaning is required
[ - ] Can set compression at the beginning-of-partition marker only
FeaturesHigh: $135F527F
[ X ] Enables and disables the device for further operations
[ X ] Supports tape tensioning
[ X ] Enables and disables the tape ejection mechanism
[ X ] Supports immediate rewind operation
[ X ] Supports setting the size of a fixed-length logical block or variable-length block mode
[ X ] Supports immediate load and unload operations
[ X ] Supports immediate tape tensioning
[ - ] Supports immediate lock and unlock operations
[ - ] Enables and disables hardware error correction
[ X ] Enables and disables hardware data compression
[ - ] Enables and disables data padding
[ - ] Enables and disables the reporting of setmarks
[ X ] Can move to a device specific block address
[ - ] Can move to a device-specific block address immediately
[ X ] Can move to a logical block address in a partition
[ - ] Can move to a logical block address in a partition immediately
[ X ] Can move to the end-of-data marker in a partition
[ X ] Can move forward (or backward) a specified number of blocks
[ X ] Can move forward (or backward) a specified number of filemarks
[ X ] Can move forward (or backward) to the first occurrence of a specified number of consecutive filemarks
[ X ] Can move forward (or backward) a specified number of setmarks
[ - ] Can move forward (or backward) to the first occurrence of a specified number of consecutive setmarks
[ X ] Can move backward over blocks, filemarks, or setmarks
[ - ] Supports immediate spacing
[ X ] Writes setmarks
[ X ] Writes filemarks
[ - ] Writes short filemarks
[ - ] Writes long filemarks
[ X ] Supports immediate writing of short and long filemarks
[ - ] Supports tape formatting operations
[ - ] Supports immediate tape formatting operations
EOTWarningZoneSize: 0
Nur warum andere Software Kann ShortErase durchführen ???