Zitat von
hm ? demfalls hast du den Rat von generic nicht beachtet:
Doch, daraufhin habe ich ja den Header angepasst. da hat ja dann zu mindest der Header dann gestimmt, aber die zeilenumbrüche und "escapeten" Sonderzeichen sind trotzdem noch da.
Die Mail mit deinem Header sieht übrigens genauso aus:
Von: Michael Puff (
mpuff@gmx.de)\r\n\r\nText:\r\nWith a hard coded(base64 no less) to: function I thought nothing of it until my ISP Suspended my account because AOL complained of multiple complaints of spam from my domain.
My account has still not been restored from the Host they feel that it was my fault for having a Faulty Script.
Be careful guys when using Mail() function--I swore by it less than 3 days ago. Now I\'m a victim of Hacking (feel violated) AOL thinks my website is a spammer and wont do anything to learn different and my host too thinks I\'m at fault
go figure that the victim is always the bad guy.