Zitat von
Ja, soweit war ich auch schon... Den Gedanken hab ich ansich schon in dem Moment verworfen als er mir kam....
Weise Entscheidung
Sowas kann 'unschöne' Ausmaße annehmen... habe mal ein altes Test-Template herausgesucht:
{$ifndef read_implementation}
{$ifndef read_interface}
unit Unit1;
// Interface uses here
// (must also use all units which are required by the units included below)
{$endif !read_interface}
{$ifndef included_interface_UNIT1}
{$define included_interface_UNIT1}
{$ifndef read_interface}
{$define read_interface}
{$define read_interface_UNIT1}
{$endif !read_interface}
// Interface includes here
// (included units must support read_interface/read_implementation defines)
{$ifdef read_interface_UNIT1}
{$undef read_interface_UNIT1}
{$undef read_interface}
{$endif read_interface_UNIT1}
// Interface here
{$endif !included_interface_UNIT1}
{$ifndef read_interface}
// Implementation uses here
// (must also use all units which are required by the units included below)
{$endif !read_interface}
{$endif !read_implementation}
{$ifndef read_interface}
{$ifndef included_implementation_UNIT1}
{$define included_implementation_UNIT1}
{$ifndef read_implementation}
{$define read_implementation}
{$define read_implementation_UNIT1}
{$endif !read_implementation}
// Implementation includes here
// (included units must support read_interface/read_implementation defines)
{$ifdef read_implementation_UNIT1}
{$undef read_implementation_UNIT1}
{$undef read_implementation}
{$endif read_implementation_UNIT1}
// Implementation here
{$endif !included_implementation_UNIT1}
{$ifndef read_implementation}
{$warnings off} // [Warning]: Text after final 'END.' - ignored by compiler
{$endif !read_implementation}
{$endif !read_interface}
(nicht unbedingt zur Nachahmung empfohlen - dann kann man auch gleich in C programmieren