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Benutzerbild von Cadere

Registriert seit: 22. Jun 2004
Ort: Helmond
5 Beiträge
Delphi 5 Enterprise

Re: Create game-like Full-Screen

  Alt 30. Sep 2005, 00:46
Nice contributions so far... thanx... but not yet.. : The One"

We are talking about a Form2, activated by the start-button in the game on Form1...

Your solution looks good Nicolai, but I dont have a unit or VCL that supports dmScreemsettings.
(I suppose with DelphiWorks I can create the same routine)

I guess the activating of form2 and restoring the screen afterwards will be interesting problems.

It is now too late to continue.. tomorrow is another day, my boss likes me more when I'm fit...
By the way... contributions in German are just as welcome as contributions in English.

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